Monday, February 19, 2024

stitch book and heating pad covers

Hand-sewing on the stitch book continued this week - I finished the 5th page, started and finished the 6th and then yesterday started the 7th.

And in order:

The last day of page 5 - it doesn't look like much of a change from the day before, but I stitched over some of the flowers in the blue triangle.  I was running out of ideas.

The start of page 6 and I don't want to cover any of the words!

But if there's a cat involved, it's okay, right?  (Actually, that was strategically planned.)

Some running stitches won't cover the words too much, right?

Maybe a few more running stitches?  These days I'm getting about 15 minutes, not the longer stretch that I sometimes do.  But that's okay.  15 minutes was the goal.

And the last day.  Want to know how to get those beautiful, "organic," not straight, not even stitches?

Get a cat.  About 5 months old should be about the right age to get into EVERYTHING and look cute doing it.

And finally day 31, start of page 7.  These little 9-patches are left over from when I made magnets a while ago.  I strip-pieced the sections and had extras.  They went into the bin and for this page, they seemed perfect to just "toss" on the letter page.

I see more running stitches between the lines on this page because again, I don't want to cover up the words!  (If I do this again next year, I'll try to choose page backgrounds more wisely.)

As for machine-sewing, the heating pad covers for Saved by Zade took priority.  It's nearly the end of the season, so I needed to get my behind in gear.

A lot of random fabric in here, but it's all stuff someone didn't want any more and while some of it was pretty, I just can't justify adding any more to my stash.  Plus, this was donated to be used for the kitties, so I'd feel guilty about taking it.  (I could replace it, but I still don't need it.)

Twenty more covers, one for each of the heating pads I'm aware they have.  I'll have them reassess what they have mid-summer, both heating pads and covers, and make up for any deficiencies.

While I was sewing, the kitties were coming and going.  Lily was "helping" more than most, Salem was sometimes "helping" and the boys were all mostly napping here and there.

At one point, I heard a HUGE purring sound.  I turned to find Salem.

I bought this cat bed years ago, but most of my kitties are too big for it.  Salem is just about 8 pounds and fairly petite - she fits perfectly!

And finally, a little bit of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge red sewing.

The half square triangles turned up in my bin for the stitch book, so I stole them and made one lonely block.  Otherwise, I don't have as much to work with this month as I did with greens (last month), but that's okay.  My stash of 1.5" squares in red has diminished quite a bit and I can probably make a few more blocks before I call it quits.

I did try one leaf block for the Tall Poppies quilt and was fairly frustrated, but that is a whole other story and somewhat my own fault, so we'll leave it there.  I may try again today, or maybe not.  This week is going to be crazy at work, so I'm debating just taking it easy today to prepare.  (Also the hubby is working odd shifts, so he's home in the morning this week.)

Happy quilting!

1 comment:

a good yarn said...

Who knew that a cat was the sewing accessory we all need? Those pages are turning out rather well in my opinion. What a cute little bird nest style cat bed with the perfect kitty accessory. You’ve got a nice selection of reds for your RSC blocks.