Tuesday, March 8, 2022

pq 13.5 and a new project

Last week, challenge five for Project Quilting was announced to be "Rhythm and Repetition."  And I kinda drew a blank.  (Of course, after I'm done, I'm thinking of a dozen good ideas - partly due to seeing other finished projects and also, probably, because I'm no longer under the gun to think of something!)

It all started with looking at a quilt book on my shelf.  I had an idea, but quickly decided that wasn't going to work for me.  I had limited time (my own fault) and wasn't that into the idea once I really evaluated it.

But right next to that book was the book "Japanese Quilt Blocks to Mix & Match" and I decided to flip through it.  I bought it because it intrigued me and had grand plans of using it someday.


First, fabrics...to the stash!

I debated about doing just black and white, but decided that would be boring.  (As I look at the finished project, though, I kinda wish I had...)

I also did a little research.  The challenge stated at least three repeats, but I had an idea to do four.  Make it square.  But the Google tells me that in Japanese culture four is not a very lucky number.  And three is.  That made it super easy!

Cut a LOT of tiny pieces and sew, sew sew,  Press carefully because skinny pieces can easily warp, but I think I did okay.

They went a lot faster than I anticipated, but would have gone even faster if my machine hadn't decided to stuff edges into the feed dogs about every third start.  (I have no idea what its tantrum was about - I had JUST cleaned out all the fuzzies before I started.  Oh well, count it as added fun?)

Obviously, these needed a border to set the characters off so you knew where one started another ended.

I opted for a vertical setting.  It just seemed right.

And in the bins of goodies that came to me from the cat rescue group were threads that matched each fabric exactly!  (And I didn't feel bad about using them, as I've sewn through a few spools of my own thread making hammocks over the last few months...also, the gal who gave me the stash of goodies (including fabric) told me it was okay if some of it was used for personal stuff.  I get that not ALL of it, or even a larger portion, should be used for personal stuff, but a little thread?  Eh, should be just fine.)

And just like that - finished!

It looks pretty stark here, sitting on the white table behind my longarm, but I was struggling where to put it that it looked nice.

What's on the back?

Pretty perfect as far as colors go, and also from the stash!

To make sure I remember which side is up, I added corner triangles at the top for future hanging.

The finished project measures about 8x23".

Oh, and the characters?  They mean good luck!  (So good luck characters in a group of three should be lots of luck, right?)

Finn supervised...

Thanks to turning in some cat hammocks, a spot on the shelf opened up - sort of (I still have more fabrics to sew for the kitties, but I'm working on it!) - and Finn found it.  I moved the other little quilts after he got up because they don't need any extra furs, but the hammock fabrics...well, they'll get furrier with use, so I'm less worried about those.  (I do clean them up, but these hammocks are truly the first project I've done without significant worry about the amount of furs on the fabrics!)

So the new project?

When you come home from retreat with three projects in various states of not being done, what could make more sense than to start a new project?

Every day I get to sew, I have set a goal for myself to sew one cat hammock fabric - however many hammocks that makes - and then I can work on this quilt.  Though I have other projects half-done, I'm really excited about this one and want to strike while the iron is hot.

So far, I've gotten a good start, though the harder blocks are yet to come...

And today, when I'm done blogging and eating lunch and making the self-assigned cat hammocks, I will work further on these:

(I did not intentionally set those up to match my (getting worn and dirty) ironing board cover!)

This quilt is intended for another high school friend.  I have had her in the back of my mind as needing a quilt for a while, but wasn't sure what to make.  She posts little on social media and we aren't really close any more, so it's been hard.  I saw this quilt and immediately thought of her and off I went.  (Quick, before I talk myself out of it!)

I'm making a smaller version than the original - it was fairly huge, so smaller blocks are in order.  You know I can't just do things the original way, right?

Happy quilting!


Carol R. said...

:) I like the Japanese blocks and the quilt for your high school friend.

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Starting new projects always makes sense to me - LOL - ;))

Preeti said...

I'd say Luck Squared :-)