Monday, February 26, 2024

just stitch book pages

As predicted, last week at work was exhausting, so I didn't do much sewing.  Reading and relaxing, but the spring setup is starting to look like something, so there's that!

The stitch book didn't get missed, but that's just a small commitment each day.

I finished page 7 and am nearing done with page 8.  Almost half done!

A little more running stitches in matching colors.

More colored running stitches...

...and more running stitches.

Now what?  Oh, buttons!  (This was looking quite finished a few days before, but it's hard to just sew a little bit.)

Page 8, day 36.

Day 37 (day two for this particular page) and I'm already feeling like it's done.  Uh oh!

Just a little birdie embroidery for day 38, but it took a while.  And yes, he's upside down.  I went over the design in the fabric.  I probably could have turned him over, but by the time I realized I COULD, I had put in the eye and figured I'd just roll with it.

I have no idea what I'm going to do for two more days on this, but I'll figure it out.

And that is all.

This week, the mystery quilt from Canuck Quilter starts, so that will be a nice thing to dig into once the crazy of final spring setup at work ends.

I also need to get the label put on the wedding quilt that was supposed to be given on new years, but we didn't end up going to the wedding and I've forgotten about it far too many times than I should have.  Maybe I'll get that done today and get it mailed...

Time to go figure out what today will hold and if it includes that quilt that maybe then I can finally share?!

Happy quilting,

1 comment:

Mystic Quilter said...

I love your Stitch Book project, only just catching up and going back through your posts, I've been pretty much behind in catching up) Love your kitties too, three must keep you very busy!