Monday, November 14, 2022

just more birds and tiger parts

More of the same this week on the sewing front...

On the tiger quilt front, I started using three more of the fabrics.  No, four?  Whatever.  This is the side of his face and a bit of his chin.  (Please pardon the old stained carpet.)

On the bird front, I finished the Christmas print birds and cut these out.  I think this might be my last set, but I have to do some math before I decide if I'm done-done.

Last week was busy with other things, including two oil changes on the hubby's vehicles.  Since the place we go is no longer open weekends or evenings, this falls to me to take care of completely now.  No big deal.  But on the way home, the truck gave me this message...

This screen is fairly large.  Normally this is the radio and temperature display.  It decided, after allowing me to use the back-up camera to get out of the parking spot (thank goodness for that - this full-size truck is HUGE compared to my little car!), it popped up this message.  I didn't notice it for about a quarter of a mile and had only 2 miles to home, but I was NOT looking at the screen once I shifted into drive.  It caught my attention at a stop light.  I thought it might go away by itself.  Nope.  It was still there when I got home.  I put the car in park, thinking THEN it would clear.  Nope.  So I took a photo.

Read this, but pay attention to the road.

This truck also did not reset itself with the time change.  So, as a passenger a few days ago, my hubby asked me to fix it.  Okay.  4 screens and a half a dozen buttons later, I had it fixed.  When I went to click the "okay I'm done" button, it told me I could not do this while the vehicle was in gear.  WHAT THE?????  If I was gonna crash, it would have happened by NOW.  Hitting the okay/clear button was probably not going to ruin me.  I mean, maybe, but really?

Anyways.  Not much else to report and the list of chores is still long for this morning, so off I go to get some cookies in the oven and then clean up the humidifier (that I promised myself I would do in the spring so it would be ready for me in the fall...that I did not clean in the spring or the summer or the early fall and now that I need it...ugh...) and wash dishes and laundry and ugh.

Happy quilting,

PS I promise sewing is in my future today, too.  Just gotta get all the adulting out of the way first.


Rebecca said...

Needed a new fridge. Told hubby I did not want it talking to the car, phone or tv. It dose beep when the door is not closed all the way and that is a very good thing and acceptable. Now he is looking into a new car for me.
Told him I did not want it talking to the above named appliances or me...that looks like it will be harder to find in a new vehicle then the fridge was.
I think I might wind up with a new old car. lol

Oh I am looking forward to seeing that tiger!

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I'm looking forward to seeing that tiger, too! I can relate to the chores and ugh - LOL - ;))