Monday, November 7, 2022

birds and tiger parts

This week brings you more of same-but-different news.

On the bird cat toys front, I remembered to take photos!

I cut more from the Christmas fabric in hopes that most of the packages I make will contain one of these.

I had plenty of help making these...

Finn held down the bag of stuffing here while Freddie inspected what I was doing.  Both made multiple attempts to throw that box containing catnip on the floor.  Thankfully neither tried to help the needle part of the sewing machine.

When finished, they go into this bin on a shelf.  A shelf that the cats cannot get to.  At least not yet.

Progress feels slow on these, but there are 40 in this bin and there are 17 more Christmas birds half-sewn from where I gave up yesterday.  I'm getting there, but my goal is at least 60, so that means at least one more set.

I also worked on the tiger.  More sections have been assembled and I believe I'm now down to 123 left to go.

These are the last sections on the bottom row.  They actually look a bit like a leaf here!

And these start the middle row!  I think the next round of sewing will use tiger fabrics, but I haven't looked yet.  It's getting exciting, though still a little overwhelming when I see how many sections need to be put together yet.  Just keep sewing, right?!

Otherwise the past week has been pretty uninteresting.  Busy with random things, but nothing worth sharing.  And nothing I took pictures of!  I expect this week to be much the same.  I'm a little antsy to get going on the hammocks again, but as I said before, this paper piecing is a bit messy, so I'm plugging away at it.  Maybe once the birds are done I'll feel differently?

Happy quilting!

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

You're making good progress!! One trick is to count the number of sections that you have DONE - not the ones you have left to do. The DONE number keeps going UP and can be an incentive to keep going - ;))