Monday, October 31, 2022

plugging along

I still feel like I have too many projects going on at once, but I'm still plugging away at things, so all is well.

I worked a bit more on the tiger parts.  I think I'm down to about 130 sections left to go...only...

It kinda looks like a stripey tail here, but it is another leaf.  I promise.  Actually a few sections from last week are included because it looked pretty goofy without them.

I managed to remember to get a photo of the pillowcase fabrics!

The main fabric are those on the bottom.  Top fabrics will be the cuffs.

(And that horse fabric?  I used it a few years ago, so she is going to get a duplicate, but I doubt she will mind.)

It seems a lot has been going on around here, but nothing I can really account for much of my time.  I did whip up a batch of dough to make this lovely loaf of bread the other night to go with the Creamy Tomato Tortellini soup I tried from the Quitly SoupAlong.

The hubby ate it and said it was good and he likes this kind of bread, which is hilarious since the last dozen times I've made it he has told me it was gross or not what he liked or something negative.

The soup, however, got a "good, but I don't want to eat it ever again" rating.  Also, an "I don't like soup" comment.  News to me.  He requested minestrone last week and chili for today.  Are those not soups?


I also finished the latest batch of birds and selected fabrics for another set, but haven't gotten to cutting or sewing those yet.  Pacing myself, as they are fussy.

I haven't touched the hammock fabric.  Both the tiger and the hammocks take a lot of space and the tiger project is not easily tidied between sewing sessions.  I'm hoping eventually to get those fabrics more under control so I can tidy it more easily and have plenty of room to work with hammocks.  All in good time.

Happy quilting!