Monday, January 22, 2024

project(s) progress

I don't feel like I did much more sewing this week than last week.  Probably I didn't.  But some things made progress, so that's good!

First up are my green blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  I think this is it for these.  At least for now.

As I predicted in a previous post, these got wilder as I ran out of sets of fours.  There aren't many left, but they're all a stretch.  Maybe I'll revisit them later in the month, maybe not.  But I did reduce my stash of 1.5" green squares as well as the "lost corners" bin.

Next up is the Bramble Blooms quilt along.  Borders with applique and fun cornerstones.  I envisioned lighter borders, but when I tried some, it was too light.  And I felt that would set the tone for the rest of the quilt, making it way lighter than I would like.  So I dug a little and found some fun, bigger prints, that I might never have chosen otherwise.

The cornerstones were supposed to be some sort of quarter square triangle, but somewhere along the line I saw the X blocks and was all in for that.  They're somewhat free-pieced, but not really.

I am still working on the applique part.  I have a few motifs added already (to cover that join near the bottom of the right border - I tried so hard, but it just wasn't happening, so I'll just hide it instead).  I should have appliqued them first, as I've already had to rip out a seam to get the ends of the applique incorporated into the seam, but whatever.

This is making my center look plain, though, so maybe I'll add some leaves after all?  (Mostly, though, the openness is there because quilting would be easier...)

Salem supervised my work...

...she IS in the quilt, after all.

Finally, the 100 day stitch book project.  Today is day 4, but I haven't gotten to it yet.  Chores.

But here are days 1-3!

The leftovers from Tiny Stars were thrown into the bin just to get them out of the way.  I never expected they'd end up in this project, but here you have it.  Day one.

Much like Bramble Blooms above, my selections for day two of this project were not what I anticipated.  I started out with some blue fabric with butterflies on it.  And then I found the fox.  Day two added some nice color.

Lily helped with things on day two.  Thank goodness I stitched those edges -  they ravelled easily already, but she was in full goblin mode.  (Though I  missed it, she was furiously licking the edge of the fabric here.  I swear this cat is really orange with the lack of brain cells she regularly exhibits.)

Stitching for day three seemed like less, but the page is getting kinda full and I spent a LOT of time digging out little notions.  In particular that little button (?) that says "happy" - I knew I had a small container of beads and whatnot, just not where I'd stashed it in my last clean.  

I'm also debating taking that ric-rac off and straightening it.  Again, I had help, so things were harder than they needed to be.  (Story of my life with cats.)

I still have two days to go on this one, though the page is looking kinda full already.  Perhaps it is time to search out some other decorative stitches?

And just in case you think I forgot, the Tall Poppies quilt along instructions for the current step are to cut sashing and borders.  Since I'm not 100% sure I like my background, nor do I think it will be the fabric I use for sashing and borders, I'm not cutting anything.  I want to make a single block and see if it works.  I suppose I could do that, but I haven't yet.

The kitty heating pad covers are in limbo for a bit.  I'm thinking about them, but also thinking that I'm not inspired to make them.  I'll get there.  The January blahs seem to be taking a lot out of me?

And with that, I'm off to maybe get some stitching done for day four?  Before I go to lunch with friends.  (That latter should cheer me up!)

Happy quilting!


a good yarn said...

Lots of good progress with furry supervisors to check your work.

Nancy said...

You've been busy, Katie! Your Bramble Blooms looks great. I couldn't see the join near the bottom of the right corner. Maybe it's more obvious in person? Still, it's an improv quilt and they often have seams in places there other quilts wouldn't, so no problem (to me, anyway).
Salem looks very knowledgeable and oh-so-serious. And very cute!
Does each page of the 100 day stitch book go for a week? What size are your pages? You've got an interesting page going.
About Lily you said, "I swear this cat is really orange with the lack of brain cells...." Cats have intelligence based on their color? I'm curious about this because I just recently learned that a cat's color may indicate its personality, such as, my daughter's calico/tortoise shell is super independent and wants some things (like being held) only on her terms. (But really, she doesn't like to be held at all.) (I've had two grey cats in my lifetime that were both very sweet.)