Monday, October 23, 2023

a new quilt!

I started a new quilt this week!

My college roommate is (finally) getting married.  She didn't date much during college and found one dud after another once she graduated.  She has a great job and is extremely outgoing and fun, so I can't imagine how she kept picking these goofy guys.

A few years back (further back than I really believe it can be), she started dating this great guy.  And then she was pregnant!  I sent her this baby quilt, but she also got a housewarming quilt about 100 years ago when she bought a house all by herself.

But this is a big deal.  This guy has made it through the gauntlet and come out shining.  So she gets a quilt.  Well, they both get one.

I had a hard time deciding what to make.  My style is rather modern and I like to use grey and black.  That doesn't seem right for a wedding quilt.  What to do?

After too many hours on Pinterest and such, I finally found the perfect quilt.  The Exploding Heart quilt may be a lot of pieces, but I'm doing it.

I took no photos of fabrics and have only this to share with you - the start of sewing...

I've sewn more than this, but I was so focused on it, I never took any photos and I'm too lazy to go upstairs and take another.  (The photo isn't the trouble, it's the getting it from one device to another that is a pain in the butt.)

I did take a photo at the very end, though...

Toby is getting better at being a housecat - and a quilt cat in particular.  He snuggles a lot at night, but sometimes when I go to sew...

He is not nearly as aggressive about his helping as the other kitties, but he is still learning.  I'm sure with time he will be equally helpful.

He was helping with pillowcase-palooza.  If you remember from years past, I make a pillowcase for each of the nieces on my side of the family for Christmas.  It started out with the three girls, but two of them now have significant others, so the number has grown to five.  Throw in a few cat fabrics from my mom's stash (remember I raided it a few weeks ago for cat toys) and it was a lot of pillowcases.

I ended up getting a big folding table and squeezing it into my sewing room to be able to keep things flat and still have all the cutting and pressing surfaces empty.

They're all finished, but I need to package up the kitty pillowcases to go to the rescue group.

Not much this week (and I skipped last week for lack of stuff to show, too), but I'm hoping the start of this new quilt will jumpstart my quilty mojo.

Happy quilting!

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