Monday, April 10, 2023

the parts are done!!!


(yes, yelling, I'm thrilled!!!)

It may not look like much, but there are 155 sections of tiger (and plant) parts in this pile.

I could not be happier that this part of the construction is done.

Putting them all together will be a hassle, too, but nothing like paper piecing.

I spent a few hours this week working on putting parts together and, honestly, in what would have been two to four little sections gave me this:

The first 45 sections of the tiger quilt are now in to large sections.  I am so happy to be to this point and so far, knock on wood, it has gone quite smoothly.

(Oh crap...I think some of the viney part in the middle at the top is upside down.  Guess I'll be fixing that today...then again...shouldn't it have not fit if it was upside down?  Ugh.)

Let's move on.

The birds.

This is the last set.  Just eight this time, but when you're making 35 birds in four weeks, there's no way to divide them up so each week gets the same number.  But I'm okay with the last week being a shorter week.

And this round I didn't have any interruptions!  It seems every Friday when my "assignment" for the quilt along comes out, there is something that keeps me from sewing away the day.  This past week?  Nothing.

This coming Friday will be top construction and, of course, I have to work.  But that means no Tuesday shift, so maybe I'll just sew them on Tuesday instead?  We'll see.  Today I have other plans.

What are those?

Well, Monday the "assignment" for this cassette tape quilt comes out and this week it's another tape.  This one above is from last Monday.  I don't think I like it as much as the one from the week before, but probably because there is a LOT of green in there.  Not that I mind green, it's just a little less vibrant.  But it will all work out and be okay.

Beyond that I don't have any photos because nothing is officially started.  But yesterday, while hanging out after Easter stuff, my sister-in-law and I started talking and I realized I have EIGHT quilts that I am either currently working on or have plans and deadlines (sort of) for.  Plus two that I want to get longarmed.

Shall we review?

You can be my accountabilibuddies.  Or whatever.

1.  Tiger Abstractions
2.  Sparrows/Pantone challenge
3.  Radical Cassettes
4.  Woodland Wonderland
5.  Tidal Crossings
6.  Blockstep
7.  Goldie
8.  baby quilt for nephew whose girlfriend is sort of pregnant
9.  (longarm) - Tiny Stars
10.  (longarm) - Rise Above

A note about #8 - the girlfriend/fiance/whatever is only about 5 weeks along and, well, I'm not sure how that's going to shake out.  It's an ugly sort of situation, so I'm not getting too excited yet.  Even if it was a good thing, I'd be waiting until they find out the gender, so I've got time.

(Time to make the other 7 tops and quilt them all plus the other two waiting, right?!)

Oh, and let's not forget the hammock fabric.  I pressed a few of the fat quarters (my plan is to press them and fold them neatly and then, when all of them are done (and the big pieces dealt with), I'll match them up so I don't end up with a Christmas print and a baby ducks print left at the end), but I haven't touched that much yet.  All in due time.  (But I did flip through the stack and counted about 100 fat quarters...holy cow!)

Last but not least, my Blockstep pattern did arrive...

...and though it is not written for scraps, I am confident I can make it work that way.  I also am looking at probably making a size between the lap and twin.  The twin is a nice size wide, but a bit too long.  And the throw is just stupid small for a man.  Or a human.  In my humble opinion.  But I can do math.  Usually.

(Thankfully my math challenges almost always end up with the quilt being bigger than planned, which isn't a problem.)

Off to the last few odds and ends of chores and then I can play and sew all day!  I have four weekdays in a row this week with no real obligation (Gabby goes to the vet tomorrow mid-morning, so that will be a production, but it needs to happen), so I'm excited!

Also maybe a little overwhelmed at my to-do quilt list, but one seam at a time, right?  I can do this!

Happy quilting!


Nancy said...

Congrats on finishing all of the tiger parts, Katie! It's been fun watching your progress and I'm looking forward to the next steps.
Your birds are very fun!

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Me, too! Congratulations on finishing all of the tiger parts! That's major! And you have TEN in the works? WOW - that's a lot - but - like you said - one seam at a time- it will be fun to watch your progress. And yes - we will be your accountabilibuddies - love that word - ;))

Ruth said...

When looking back on your accomplishments I'm sure you will be amazed at how you got all that done. The time keeps going and we keep sewing. When I look back, it seems like I can't even remember doing it! I can't imagine not having a lot to work on. I hope I don't get lazy in my old age.

Marsha B said...

I can't wait to see the tiger come together, it is quite complicated but will be worth the work. I love the little birds, too. Blockstep will be interesting, too. You keep so busy!