Sunday, November 14, 2021

fishies and pants

Thanks to all of you who gave me input on what to enter for the quilt show.  I ended up just entering two - the unicorn and #9.  The unicorn is pretty obvious why I entered it.  The other one has a lot of cool quilting in it and I'm really proud of that - and the curved piecing!

After hearing our coordinator say she had only about 25 quilts entered so far, I decided that if I entered many more it would be too much of just me.  I can always add more if needed, but I'm sure there will be a few late entries, too.  We'll play it by ear.

(It was also hard to pick a favorite among the favorites, so I wanted to enter them ALL once I got past the top few!)

I haven't done any actual quilty sewing this week.  I did get the pattern for the horse for my niece.  I'm pretty disappointed that, after paying extra, shipping costs and waiting, the pattern is printed on both sides.  The designer notes that it is to ensure you don't accidentally use the original and expects you to copy them for yourself first. printer cannot handle 11x17 sheets of paper, so that's why I wanted the printed copy!  And I kinda expected that this would be a one-and-done type deal.  But I guess since I don't do much paper piecing maybe I don't know the norm for these patterns?  So I'm in limbo about getting that sorted out.  I will, it just requires a trip somewhere that has a larger-format copier.  (Yay, lets pay for copies and gas too!  Ugh.)  I hope the instructions and ease of construction make up for the current frustration.  I'll let you know.

In non-quilty, but still fabric and sewing, news, I'm continuing on with catnip fishies.  I stuffed them all in this tub as I counted them this week.  52.  I think.  It seems I get distracted when counting more than 3 things?

When I did a little math about how far I want/need these to stretch, I decided to make a few more.  I can always make more later, but to maximize randomization, I need them all at once.  Today I completed another set of 7 and there is one more set of 7 waiting for stuffing.  I THINK that will be enough.  And then it will be about time to start distribution for CAT-mas!

I also decided I'd like some new pajamas.  And while my efforts to find NON-polyester sets in stores continues, it is also a failed effort, so time to make some new pants.  Shirts alone that coordinate that are 100% cotton seem easier to come by (though not marketed as pajamas), so pants are in order.

I love the dinosaurs.  The orange I also love, but I'm not sure I want it as pants.  But it was so soft and pretty (the color is much better in person), I just bought enough for pants.  I'll decide later.  They're pre-washed here, but I will probably press them before cutting out.

And while I was out shopping, I tried to get a new pattern.  I really was okay with another of the one I've used in the past, but couldn't find it.  I needed a slightly bigger size (you know how that goes - you cut one size and you're locked in - and it was fine for a lot of years), but couldn't find exactly the one I had.  While perusing the catalog, I found one that seemed to have pockets (the back of the pattern diagrams were hugely lacking from what I remember of earlier patterns?), so I brought it home.

Holy crap, this not only has pockets, but a button fly!  I looked on the interwebs and it seems there are a couple of videos making these pants, so I'm hoping this isn't a huge bust!  I kinda understand the concept of these things, but haven't actually sewn them myself.  It'll be fine, right?

Not much sewing, as you can see.  Not yet.

In other news, last Sunday evening, we had a car drive by the house really slowly.  We live out in the country and often deer are seen here.  Every so often, a car and deer meet unhappily.  We thought that was what had happened.  So my hubby got up to get his shoes and flashlight, but the car had pulled down our driveway and then scooted away as he got out there...he found nothing even like a deer!

Cake pops!  A high school friend makes these as a side business at Better on a Stick and oh boy are they delicious!  I've been limiting myself to one a day...  But you may remember this friend - I made her the macaron quilt...complete with the pink stand mixer you'll see her posing with on her website!  She left a note with the drive-by cake-popping, thanking me for the quilt.  I know she had been home with family last weekend (thanks Facebook) and my place is between where we grew up and where she lives now (though not exactly on the way), so the timing made sense, but I never expected this.  What fun!

And with that, the dishes are calling and soon I'll have to make dinner.  I feel like lately I'm not getting much fun stuff done, but some weeks are just like that.  The snow has started here, so I'm sure I'll be home more in the coming months and maybe NOW I'll get more fun stuff done?

Happy quilting!

1 comment:

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I'm so glad you decided to enter your Unicorn and #9 with its wonderful colors and curves! Your catnip fishies are so CUTE and perfect for CAT-mas! Button-fly - you'll be just fine - its another something to add to your "toolbox" while you enjoy your cake pops - ;))