Friday, April 6, 2018

small progress...

I haven't been sewing much, but with that BIG batch of tiny stars, it's been slow progress and doesn't look like much.

Last time you saw the box of tiny stars, we had this:

It literally takes hours to get one step done with a batch this size, so I worked a step a day, when time was available, and am now at this point:

One more seam on all of them and I'll have a BIG stack of finished tiny stars!

But it was at this point this past week that I started to question my least the part of it that convinced me to start this many at one time...or maybe the part that's driving me to make this quilt at all...

There's only like 300 pieces big deal...

But I will be having more time to work on these, as well as other projects, as today was my last day of work.  I'm far too young to really call it retirement, but it was my choice, so I guess that's kinda what it is.  It's a long story (and not always a happy one), but this is something that my hubby has been encouraging me to do for quite a while now.  We did the math (and did it again and again and again) and talked a lot about this, but it was finally decided that we can make it on his salary alone.  So we will.  And for now, I'll be a stay at home cat mom.  It's scary and those of you who have been reading my blog for a while will remember about seven years ago when I went down this road the first time.  The finances were definitely not ready, and the opportunity I followed wasn't what I thought it would be, but the scariness is still there doing it a second time.  The reality is setting in now, but only because I've forced it out of my head for weeks, wanting to focus on doing my job right and getting those who will follow in a good position to do so and only now, that it's actually done, thinking about it.

What will I do?

Snuggle cats.

Probably clean and stuff, too.
Boring stuff.
But life.

Maybe a job will find me.  One that's not stressful.  One that's actually fun.

Maybe I'll find a job.  One that's not stressful.  One that's fun.

(Don't get me wrong, I liked being a lab tech just fine.  But reasons.)

Enough of that...

Remember in my last post the sunshine quilt?  I sent it off in a box with a few others, not even sure if UPS had delivered it correctly with their redirected new delivery address.

Then, about a week later, I got a thank-you from the gal at A Doll Like Me.  That was so nice!  So many folks don't write thank-yous any more.  When I do it, I feel like I'm such an old fart.  (But momma taught me better than to not send them!)

The next day, I see MY sunshine quilt, paired with a doll, written up and ready to send to a little girl!  I snagged a screenshot of the post so you all can see (if you don't want to click the link above and scroll down a few posts)...

I don't want to brag, but I am so excited that my package made it and my quilt is going to be loved already!  I'm sure with all the donations, there is a stack to choose from.  And maybe because mine arrived recently, it was near the top and just got chosen for that reason only.  But I'm so happy!  Usually when you donate a quilt, you never know anything.  This time, I know a little and that makes my effort even more rewarding.  (And stirs up those darn squirrels again...)

Now it's off to the exciting world of Friday night laundry.

And then maybe some sewing.

Happy quilting!


Just Another Quilter said...

You know, I left the lab tech back in 2013. People don’t always understand the stress of making life altering or life threatening decisions all day long at work. We make judgement calls every day in the field. That puts a different stress on people. Near the end, a migraine occurred following a work day. The cost outside of work was out weighing the money and satisfaction of the work itself.
I did some pretty consistent hours at the local animal shelter for quite awhile. Drove seniors for appointments. Started piano lessons. Had a great garden to offset food prices. And did some sewing.

Congrats, you’ll figure it out. I always think I will go back to work...just not in the laboratory.

Carol R. said...

WOW! you quit... I'm surprised - and happy for you at the same time. That decision could open up time for some hijinks and who doesn't like those? lol

Marsha B said...

Wow, all those little stars! One step at a time is the way to go, slow and steady wins the race. What a surprise that you have decided to quit working. It will take some getting use to, for sure. I was able to retire early, it was a bit scary but I don't regret it one bit. It was just a "take a deep breath and go for it" moment. Hope you have fun with all your new "free" time. Enjoy! ! ! The post and photo of your quilt and the adorable little doll is wonderful. They go together perfectly and will make a little girl so happy. It is fun seeing where donated quilts go. Now you have time to create when the squirrels come calling!

Ruth said...

That is exciting news!! About your taking "early retirement" that is. I know that when I retired at the normal age, I felt almost guilty not having to go to work. It seems so strange at first being able to be out and about when most other people are working, but you will get used to it soon! It is also such a great feeling!! You will have plenty to fill your time - not like people who don't have any hobbies or any special interest. The doll looks very happy with the doll quilt you made!! If you feel the need to work again, maybe you could get a job in a quilt shop! I would love to do that, except for the time it would take away from actually quilting. Being retired, I usually go to quilt shows on Fridays when they might not be so busy. Oh, there are so many advantages with not working! Good luck!!

Frog Quilter said...

Love the small stars. Cute!!! You're not insane. Little things make us quilters happy!

canuckquilter said...

Wow, big change! Life needs that sometimes, despite the butterflies in the stomach when making a big decision. I am sure you will find the right combo of activities to fill your time and stay happy and productive. I'll stay tuned for updates from your quilt room :) How fun to see your donation quilt featured and know it's going to be loved so soon!