Wednesday, May 4, 2011

may book report

I can't believe this, but here's the stack...

The bottom of that blue sticky note is where the stack was just a month ago!

Just one book left!

I'm going to have to exercise my library card VERY soon.  (And then hope I can make it to the sale on July 4 to restock my stash again this year.)

I've been spending most of my free time studying, so not much quilty to report, but maybe this weekend.

Happy quilting,


---"Love" said...

I'm amazed that you can find time (and inclination) to read that much! ---"Love"

Beth said...

I knew you would get thru all your stack before the next sale. A trip to the library is always fun. I find way to much to check out. Happy reading and quilting.

Sandy said...

I want to say that I am surprised that there is only one book left, but that would mean that I haven't been paying attention. (I think you do most everything at warp speed.) Good luck with the studying. I always look forward to your quilty blogs!


Liriopia said...

Well done!
