Sunday, March 2, 2025

no sewing, some reading and a new project!

It's been a WEEK around here.  SIck kitty (she's better now, but will eventually have to have ALL of her teeth removed to solve the troubles), lots of shifts at work and the hubby taking an impromptu vacation for the second half of the week.

I did get a few things done, though.  Not exactly quilty things.  Or even blog-worthy things.

But first, the new project, because it's quilty and the most interesting of the list.

Canuck Quilter is doing another mystery quilt and since I have another great-niece on the way, I thought this would be a perfect time to join the quilt along and get a quilt made for her at the same time.

This is what she posted on Facebook

But after a little more effort today, it looks like you can sign up not only through her facebook group, but also at her website here!

It's free (for now) and she always writes really clear patterns that turn into something wonderful.

So I went shopping yesterday - it was a crappy day at work, so this was a nice treat.  Plus I haven't been fabric shopping in AGES.

The colors aren't quite right here and now I'm second-guessing the floral on top (which is what I loved most and pulled from, but I suppose could be substituted with a peachy-tinted cream if needed and this can just go in the stash to be petted and used at a later date), but for now it's what I'm planning to use.

The first of the directions don't come out for a little over a week, but that gives me time to get them washed and pressed and ready to cut!  (And procrastinate some.)

In other exciting news, the hubby gave me a gift card to Barnes and Noble for Valentine's day.  We usually don't celebrate, so I was caught unprepared, but he didn't seem to be too upset.  I mean, I had to do the hard part after, all...

I ordered some reference books:

The mending book I REALLY wanted (it came highly recommended) was only available as a digital copy and that is just not how I want to do things.  I want something I can prop open and reference as I'm doing the task.  If I want it online, I'll just ask the google.  But these look great, too.

And I'm debating about getting a dehydrator - it all started with the overabundance of the few herbs I planted last summer and my desire to not waste so much of it, but oven-drying takes a long time and I'm pretty sure it's less energy-efficient and not a cool enough temperature for maximum success.  So these books have been recommended and I thought I'd do a little more research before spending the bigger bucks to get a semi-decent dehydrator.

The hubby wants jerky, but I think I'm gonna start easy (herbs and fruits) if I get one and work my way up!

With a little $$ still on the card, I also snagged this novel:

It came recommended by a gal on Instagram who generally seems to read good stuff, so we'll see.  (The blurb also sounded good.)  So it's been added to the stash and when its number gets pulled, I'll read it.

Speaking of reading, just one book finished this week.

Though not bad, I'm really glad this wasn't the first novel I've read by this author because it would probably have been my last (and she has quite a few out there).

It's the story of two families linked by divorce and remarriage and is told by many narrators.  There are six children, some of whom get a chance to narrate, plus four parents, some of whom also get a chance to narrate.  It jumps around in time before and after the divorce, spanning probably 30 years.

The early part seems to drag and I kinda got lost in the characters, but the second half seemed to settle down.  Maybe it was because I finally sorted everyone out?

Every story deals with the death of one of the children, so I think maybe this is just an exploration of how different people deal with grief?  But not an in-your-face way of doing it - clearly, if I'm questioning it.

Anyways, not great, not awful.  The next book I flew through the first 100 pages yesterday (after a crappy half-day at work (we're only open till noon) and a trip to the quilt shop) and it's good and interesting.  More on that next week I'm sure!

Time to go find some breakfast and then regroup for heading back to work at noon (I did the breakfast shift already) and the dog that inevitably, no matter how long you let her stay outside, will poop in her kennel.  And walk through it.  Good times.

Happy quilting!

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