Sunday, October 6, 2024

yet another week of not much sewing

I feel like every week I think I'll figure out this working full time and getting sewing done better, but it never seems to go that way!  I did get a little in, but don't have much to show for it.

I sewed a lot of the cat toys - they get a little tag inserted in them, but I ran out of tags, so I had to make more.  And then I ran out again, so I'm going to have to make yet more.  I cut a LOT of toy pieces.  I don't have any photos, but here's an old one of some finished toys...

I think I cut about 400 zillion, so it's gonna be a long process.  Eventually, once they're sewn, it will be a good project to work on while watching movies or whatever.

I've been waiting for Christmas fabrics to go on sale because of the annual pillowcase gifts for the three nieces (and one husband-of-niece).  That happened this week, so part of one of my full days off was spent running that errand...and getting dinner...

I got a photo at the store before they were cut so I could remember what went with what.  Those dinosaurs crack me up - I hope the recipient agrees!  I've gotten them washed, but the construction will commence at a later date.  These go fast, so I'm not worried.  I just try to get the fabrics early before the best stuff is taken.

While I was perusing the Christmas fabrics, I found this:

Those of you who read my blog post last week KNOW where this is going.

I was giggling quite a lot in the store about this.  Because I could not have found something better if I had imagined it.

(rotary cutter for scale - the chickens aren't large)

The baby quilt saw no work and, like the Christmas quilt, I really need to make time for it.  This coming weekend I don't work, so I'll have four days in a row off.  I'm hopeful to get a lot done then.

And finally, another errand on one of my days off this week brought home this:

The local library does their annual book sale, usually a bit later in October, but every year and I visit.  It's a lot smaller than the one from where I grew up, but I snagged 14 new books - one I wanted to read, a couple from authors I've enjoyed in the past and the rest were just impulse buys, but at $1 per book, why not?

Speaking of books, I have not finished the latest book yet, so nothing to report.  This one is a little harder to read - it's a classic, which often means the prose takes more time to get into, but I think it also has a denser font, so though it's just over 300 pages, there's a lot in there.

And that's it for my week.  I have a pile of projects swirling in my head, but not as much time to work on them as I'd like.  Today I'm going to a football game (because of the concessions, of course) and then have to stop in to work for a short bit.  But I think I'm going to go relax and snuggle kitties and maybe finish that book I was just talking about until it's time to leave.

Happy quilting!


a good yarn said...

Working full time eats into sewing time. Love those chickens in their Santa hats. The dinosaurs too! I like the tags on your cat toys. So cute.

Marsha B said...

Working full time doesn't leave a lot of time for fun stuff but you have some great plans so you should be able to get a lot done once you figure out the new time schedule! Plus, you are busy, it takes time to adjust to a change.