Monday, March 11, 2024

so many projects!

Although none of my projects are major tasks each week, I feel like it's a lot.  I guess just a lot of irons in the fire...

The oldest is the Bramble Blooms quilt along.  Late last Monday, the next prompt was announced - a border of 4-, 9-, 16-patch blocks.  As with the other prompts, this is quite open to interpretation, but I absolutely love what it did to the host's quilt, so I'm totally in!

I pulled out some of my 1.5" square stash and some of my 2.5" square stash (they're cut from leftovers that are just too small to put back in the big stash) to evaluate.  The smaller squares just seemed like a lot was going on and the bigger squares fit better with the size of the current quilt.

And though the initial intent of this project was to use up stash that was being ignored, I figured raiding the 2.5" square stash was okay, too, because those also get ignored a lot.  (But I had to cut a lot of squares, too.)

I mathed and figured out how many I'd need (plus a coping border because why would my top be an even measurement that worked out this way?) and left the sewing room after this:

I wasn't sure what to use for the border, but when I pulled this gold out, intending to cut some squares, I knew it was THE border.  It will be skinny, but add a nice pop before the chaos.

Yesterday I sat and sewed 12 strips of 15 squares - I rarely sit and sew for that long without popping up to press things, but this was just not a situation where that was needed.  And boy was I sore for sitting still for so long!  No photos of the (un-pressed) strips, but I did have some help...

I put all of the squares in that bag, going for random.  And for the most part I managed it, though apparently I can't count as well as I thought because I had two left over at the end.

I haven't figured out what to do for cornerstones, but that is a problem for later.

The next longest running is the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 9-patch project.  Since it's purple this month, I'm working there.  And I have a surprising amount of purple 1.5" squares, though it is a color that has a huge range within it, so I suppose that explains it?

I made a lot!

I've declared it done for the month.  Much like last month, with red, I have some left over, but it's getting hard to decide what to put where and I'm happy with where I'm at right now.  Maybe I'll go back and make more later, but reduction was the goal and I'm doing well there.

Then there's the 100 day stitch book project.  This week we hit the halfway point, which is exciting.  The stitching is maybe a little less exciting to do each day, but it's become a habit now, so it's just part of my day.

Day 46 and the start of page 10.

Day 47 - a block from leftover parts from a previous project.

Day 48

Day 49

Day 50 - halfway and some beading I'm not fond of.

Day 51 - learning just how long I can/need to make those stitches...

Day 52

I'm still excited to put the whole thing together, but I expect when it gets here, I'll be dreading it more.  It looks a bit involved, but I can handle it.  I've done harder things!

And the final official project is the Two Colour Mystery quilt along.  This week we started sewing parts together!

I'm making the baby size, so not many units to sew and they went fast anyways.

So far no bats.

I'm also using up the pieces that were too small for heating pad covers to make randomly-sized hammocks.  These will be smaller than some, but I have been led to understand that they are okay.  They're still a decent size, just not a size that has been determined to be best.

Lily helped...

I have to be very aware of where she is at all times because she is FAST and I don't really want to give her a tail or toe trim accidentally.

Off to finish a few chores and then we'll see what the day holds.  Mondays always seem to be filled with randomness that keeps me from sewing as much as I'd like, but this weekend I did get a fair amount in, so I'm not as anxious to get to it.

Happy quilting!

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