Monday, April 4, 2022

a few blocks...

The hubby had last week off, so sewing time was shortened.  Some because he wanted to spend time with me, but also because he likes to criticize how much time I spend "doing nothing" so I try to run the vacuum a few times each day to make sure he HEARS me "doing something" and that sure cuts into sewing time!

(Okay, okay, I don't run the vacuum that much, but he does seem to enjoy getting me riled up, so I may have run it extra this week...)

I did get a fair number of cat hammocks made, though I have no photographic evidence.  I do have a cardboard/paper cut on my hand from trying to tuck a few more into the quite full box, though, so does that count?  (I'll be meeting my volunteer tomorrow to drop off the box, but I still have fabric left, so I'll just get another box and keep sewing.  Here's to hoping she doesn't have another box of fabric for me!)

And I went to a quilt show!  The guild on the west side of the state (well, west-central) finally got to have their show - they've been waiting a few years - so the hubby and I trekked over there on Friday.  Since he couldn't get to bathrooms without paying for entry, he walked around with me.  I always save the vendors for last and I think he enjoyed that.  Because look what he had me buy:

He wants the tiger for himself (he loves tigers), but wasn't interested in the kit.  He wants a brighter orange than had been provided.  This is by the same designer as the horse I've just finished, so I'm not looking forward to it, but at least I know what I'm getting into?  Maybe?  Those palm fronds...ugh...

The dinosaur he says will make a good baby quilt.  I'm not sure he understands the level of difficulty in this project and it is NOT going to be just a baby quilt.  I mean, if he wants to learn to quilt, go for it.  Spend 3000 hours just piecing it.  No problem.  I'm not sure it will ever get made, but he was having fun shopping.  He likes quilts that he can figure out what they're supposed to be, so I guess these make sense.

Between cleaning and cooking and whatever else he decided we should be doing, I worked on the curved piecing blocks that have been abandoned since retreat over a month ago.

They take a few hours each, what with all the pinning needed, so one block a day is actually pretty good progress.

But on Thursday, I really got a chunk of time to sew and got three blocks done!

To be honest, I had the curved parts sewn from retreat for one of the blocks, so I just had to sew the 16 parts together, making that block go MUCH faster.

Yesterday I also had a good chunk of time to sew, so I decided to dig in and sew the remaining 3 blocks worth of curved parts, but I wanted to make sure I knew what went with what when the time came, so I snapped a quick photo to remind me:

These curves have all been sewn and pressed and arranged for further sewing, but it was time to make dinner and the kitties were starting to get pesky (they were getting hungry, too), so I called it a day and will get back to them soon.  Since it has changed over from fat raindrops to snowball-sized snowflakes outside, now that I'm home from a grocery run, I'm glad for an indoor hobby to allow me to stay warm!

After that?  We'll see where the wind blows me.  The design floor is in need of vacuuming again (I haven't gotten the vacuum out in a few days and Finn is still shedding a cat a day - how is he not bald yet?!), so quilt layout may be put on hold and I might start the blocks I cut for retreat project #3?

Or maybe I'll take a nap.  Now that the hubby is back to work, I can do what I want!

Happy quilting!

PS The hubby isn't THAT bad.  Mostly sarcastic.  But some days...


A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Blocks look GREAT! And a nap sounds good - ;))

Marsha B said...

The curved blocks are so cool, I really love them. The tiger and dino are pretty nice, too. I don't know if I would want to make them though! A nap sounds so good, have fun!

Robin said...

Enjoyed your blog today. I love the curved piecing blocks, great combination of colors. I have a grandson that would love that dinosaur quilt. It looks hard.