Sunday, March 14, 2021

linty sewing

While I've been sewing a lot this week, I don't feel like I have a lot to show for it...  These blocks have a lot of parts, so it takes a while to get them done.  And making 32 at a time...well...  But this is nowhere near the last quilt as far as number of pieces!

Last week I left you here:

And the next photo I took was here:

A lot of chain sewing and group pressing happened between those photos, but it felt good to get to this point with the whole blocks.

I thought the next set(s) of block(s) would go faster.  They are the partials - setting triangles for sides and corners.  I need fewer than for the center and there will be fewer seams altogether, right?  However...they took a lot longer than I expected.  It probably didn't help that my stretches of sewing weren't epic.  A few hours, at most.  But better than nothing.

And today, I finally finished all of the partials.  I worked on the halves and squares all at once.  It did not help, though, that I had miscounted when cutting and had to go back for a few more of this and a few more of that.  I had the fabric, though, so no worries there.

Very exciting, no?  Well, this is to me!  There is still the layout to determine and sashings and cornerstones to deal with, but it's not even the middle of the month!  Here's to hoping nothing major happens that makes me need to procrastinate.

Something that might cause procrastination?  I'm getting my Covid vaccine tomorrow!  I'm not sure which I will get, so it may be my first shot, or my only shot.  I will take whatever they have to offer.  I never expected, once I registered, to be able to schedule an appointment so quickly, but I will not complain!  But it may distract me if I react poorly.  I never have to any other vaccine, but there's a first time for everything.

I was glad earlier today, though, to finish this spool of thread...

...I usually buy Coats & Clark brand thread.  I pick it up at Wal-Mart whenever I get a chance (they don't always have it and I don't go there very often).  This is what the store I was at a few months back had.  So I thought I'd try it.  I mean, it's a Wal-Mart brand, so sketchy, but sometimes store brand is just fine, right?  Well.  It was a little thinner than C&C, but that wasn't a problem.  What was a problem?  LINT!  Crazy lint.  If I have to, I'd use it again, because other than the lint, I had no issues.  But I need to clean out my bobbin case more often with this brand.

Thankfully, my closest store seems to still carry C&C.

And we can't have a post without kitties, right?

Finn was needing some loves.  And he also likes the wool pressing mat.  I have to put it up whenever I'm done because he is not the only one who will wrestle it like it contains catnip.  Or is made from it.

And Freddie says hi?

We had some really nice days this past week, so I let the kitties play outside in their enclosure.  Doofus Freddie promptly stuck his claws in the netting and got them stuck.  He got one out before I got a photo, but he is not waving.  He is trying to detach himself.  He does not know how to use claws.  And I have never trimmed them, so why he gets worse with age is beyond me.  Unfortunately, I can't get out there easily to disconnect him, so he had to figure it out.  Hopefully he will at least learn to not do that again.  Because learning about claws is not going fast.

Time to go spend some time with the hubby...

Happy quilting!


---"Love" said...

That's a lot of little pieces to get together, but they look great! Looking forward to seeing how they go together. I've heard that curiosity sometimes kills a cat. Maybe yours just got curious and had to check out the netting. ---"Love"

Preeti said...

Congratulations on your appointment!!! Paul got his first shot this weekend. I wait for mine. Those star in a star blocks are so pretty and so darn neat. I can see that they have a lot of pieces but you persisted!!! Freddie is so cute.

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Your blocks look terrific! I'm looking forward to seeing a finished top. Hi, Freddie! - and Finn, of course - ;))

Canuck Quilter said...

Oooh, I love those blocks. Bad squirrel! Yay for the vaccine! I don't qualify in our state yet. We're pretty much homebodies and working from home, so at low risk anyway, but I'll be happy to get it when I can. Love the kitty pictures. How fun that you have an outside enclosure for them. Maybe Freddy will get the hang of claws soon...

Kim said...

Oh what gorgeous blocks! The colours and different prints are fabulous. Looks like a lot of tricky piecing to me. Will be exciting to see all these blocks playing nicely together in a quilt.