Monday, January 31, 2011

January UFO challenge complete

Not the best photo...sorry...

#6 on the UFO challenge is done!

But remember where I started?

(#6 was only 4 blocks.  I didn't want to overwhelm myself with the whole thing!)
Tomorrow Judy will pick another number and it's good timing for me.  Long story short, I'm between projects and waiting.  The UFO challenge will fill the gap nicely.

Happy quilting!


Unknown said...

Are those the blocks you got from JoAnn's?? If so, I like the way they are coming together, even if you have had a hard time with the precuts;)
Happy Quilting!!

Marsha B said...

Yea! It is done. I love the pinks, lavendars and greens. Great combination of colors and fabrics!

---"Love" said...

Very pretty colors and fabrics! Great piecing! ---"Love"

Alf and Lily Creations said...

I finished mine too, doesn't it feel good :)

Liriopia said...

Pink, green and purple. What a great color mix! Very pretty.


ann hermes said...

I love the colors and the assymetry of the piece. Very pretty.

Rabid Quilter from California said...

Great color combo! Congrats on finishing it!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

colors are really good together. That is my biggest problem.

congrats on the finish!

dq said...

Is this a kit? I think I quilted a quilt just like this for someone last year.


Carol said...

Congrats on a great finish! I sure do love your colors!

Chris said...

Very pretty. A breath of spring while a new storm hits the country.

Sandy said...

I love all those colours as well. Perfect for spring!

Sandy said...

A step in the right direction... that is how I am approaching some of the larger UFO's in my list... just to the next step will be good enough.

Beth said...

Love all the colors. They do look springy and I sure could use some spring right now.

Heather said...

Aren't you smart, breaking the big project down! That is going to be one pretty quilt!

Donna~~ said...

Congrats on finishing number 6! Looks like a perfect project for spring! (Love the video of the kitty sewing on an earlier post!)

Quilter Kathy said...

I like how you set reasonable and specific goals for each month...these blocks are so pretty!

Dionne said...

They are looking lovely! Congrats on the finish!

Lee Ann L. said...

I am loving the colors. Congrats on completing a challenge! :-)

Connie204 said...

Pretty. On to the next challenge. Connie204

Anonymous said...
