Tuesday, July 27, 2010

one thing, one week challenge #1: met

Last Tuesday I told you about Amy's Creative Side One Thing, One Week Challenge.  I challenged myself to get the first I Spy top done.  I had one week.

This is where I was a week ago today:

Challenge met!

inspiration here

I would have basted it and started quilting (I was that into it), but my basting tables have been loaned out for a garage sale.  (To none other than the momma of the gal this quilt will go to!)

Now I'm working on the 2nd I Spy quilt.  8 down, 34 circles to go.

I'll show more pics next time.

Happy quilting,


Sandy said...

Wow, you work fast! What a fun, colourful quilt. I can't wait for the second installment.


Jeanne said...

That's a really neat idea for showcasing different fabrics in a quilt! Good job!

Linda in Arkansas said...

LOVE IT! Great job. I've done 2 I-Spy quilt and need to so 1 more. I like the way my eye follows the line to the next I-spy square.

Marsha B said...

Very cute quilt, love the purple background and the white really frames everything well. Can't wait to see the next one!

Barb in Mi said...

Wohoo, doesn't it feel good to complete a project? Loved Amy's challenge and love your I-spy top!

Liriopia said...

Very cute. An unusual setting for an I Spy quilt.


Lindsay said...

Great design, and I love the I spy fabric too, have fun quilting it!

---"Love" said...

Excuses, excuses! No problem! You'll baste and probably quilt it tomorrow! I love it! The feature fabrics are great! ---"Love"

Unknown said...

I checked out your inspiration...I like where you took yours;) I always like to see original ideas develop from other sources;)
Happy Quilting!!

a good yarn said...

It's fantastic! Love the purple/white combination. Ann :-)

Ruth said...

Very nice I spy quilt! I'm sure it will make someone very happy.

Unknown said...

Cute quilt top! Congrats on meeting your goal :)

canuckquilter said...

Very fun! I look forward to seeing the one with the circles...(no pressure or anything :) )

Beth said...

Love it! Great I spy setting. Can't wait to see your circles. By next week ya???