
Sunday, March 20, 2011

quilt level = crazy

I wasn't feeling very motivated to sew this weekend, but yesterday being National Quilting Day, I talked myself into working on the wedding quilt blocks some.

These are giving me fits.  Nothing wants to go together nicely.  I pin and pin and pin and even the easiest seams to match come out poorly.  I rip out and repin and resew and it comes out equally bad. 

So I got a few done yesterday and quit before I threw the sewing machine out the window!

Today, I decided to tackle a few more, figuring if I did even a few every day, they'd be done soon enough.

And I forced myself to accept close to be good enough for points that refuse my efforts.

Taking breaks every so often to check on and stir my chili that was simmering for dinner, I finished them!  I think sewing for short periods helped my mood, even if it did nothing for the stubborn seams.

30 blocks.  Yay!

(I am not looking forward to sewing them to each other!)

I have this fear that I'm going to realize I made too many once I start sewing them together, but I've done the math a few times and my numbers tell me it should be okay.  (If it's not right, it wouldn't be the first time a quilt came out way bigger than I expected!)

But I've decided that there should be a new level added to quilt difficulty: crazy.  As in you have to be crazy to make this one with all the points to make and match.  (I seem to find and make a lot of quilts that fit this category...)

And while I was sewing, my supervisor decided she was bored.  Apparently I wasn't doing enough to entertain her?  (And the approximately 15 catnip toys scattered around the room weren't calling to her either.)

The window in my sewing room is the only one with sills wide enough for the kitties to sit on comfortably.  They all love to sit up there, sometimes two at a time.  When the weather is nice, they watch squirrels and birds.  This afternoon it's dreary and raining, a good time for a nap.

Happy quilting,


  1. I'm very critical about my own points, but no problems jump out at me in your blocks! It is going to be a stunning quilt. Your kitty sure knows waht to do with a grey dreary day :)

  2. I like your definition of quilt level crazy. I have attempted a few that fit into that category and yours certainly looks the part. Can't wait to see it all put together. I love the color and contrast you picked out and I bet those lost points just melt away in the design (at least for those of us who didn't stress over putting each block together).

  3. If all the blocks look as good as the one in the picture, I think you did a great job. There are some interesting intersections in that block. Glad you got them together. Having more blocks than you need is better than not having enough, hope your math works out perfectly! I find I always like a project that is challenging, sometimes not while I am working on it but when it is done, it makes me really happy. I made a wool pantsuit when I was in high school that had something like 23 pieces in the fitted jacket and I decided to make it in a beautiful maroon plaid! What was I thinking, but it was beautiful when it was done and the plaids all matched. Your kitty looks comfy on the window sill, perfect place to take a kitty nap!

  4. I think the block looks great and yes, there are way too many points to match in that one block. Your kitty definitely has the right idea.


  5. Hmm, that block looks simple enough, but I will take your word for it, LOL! Love the colors. Kitty looks real comfy in the window.


  6. To me, the block looks great; certainly acceptable by my standards! It will be a beautiful quilt! ---"Love"

  7. The block you posted sure looks great! It is very frustrating when things don't line up the way you want. Your quilts always look perfect when you are done and I am sure that this one will be the same.
    Keep stitching

  8. loved the title of your latest blog post ;-) quilt level + ;-) cool blog. cheers

  9. Points and intersections are a pain. If they look too closely and complain, that would be the last quilt they got from me;)
    Oscar passes out sometimes at my feet while I am sewing, other time's right next to the sewing machine;)
    Happy Quilting!!
