
Friday, March 25, 2011

roman square siggy block tutorial

A quick and easy signature block!

Select some fabrics from your stash and cut 2 - 2.5"x6.5" strips. 
Cut a third strip (2.5"x6.5" also) muslin. 
This will make one block.  6.5" square unfinished, 6" finished.
(I cut enough for 4.)

Lay them out.

Sew and press.

Sign in the muslin.

Easy peasy!

I chose to sew my pieces first, then sign to make absolutely sure nothing got lost in the seam allowance.

I've had a couple of super crazy weeks here, so not much quilting is going on, but I promise to try to get back on track with quilting (and blogging about it)!  And soon I'll be able to tell you all about the craziness.

Happy quilting!


  1. Signature blocks and some craziness -- sounds like fun! I hope you won't keep us hanging for too long.


  2. Thanks much! I'll add that to my notebook of quilty things. Who knows? I may be making some sooner that I would have thought! *grin* I can think of lots of things to write in the space, and I will try to be nice! *wink* You never know when such a block will be needed! ---"Love"

  3. Craziness you can tell us about that's got me curious!

  4. Working on a new quilt that the embroidery machine practically does by itself, so instead of waiting--I'll use up scraps (you KNOW I love scrappy quilts) and use the other machine. Great timing for the tutorial, Katie!
    Will be back to blogging with all of you soon... Mary

  5. Thanks for the tutorial. Signature blocks are fun;) Hope the craziness subsides and you can get back to quilting. Hope all is well;)
    Happy Quilting!!
