
Monday, February 7, 2011

superbowl sunday

Did those of you living in countries where the Superbowl was aired watch it?  I watched for the commercials...the hubby watched for the football.  Most people I know watched it for the commercials.  How sad is that?  We're more interested in the funny stuff going on between the big event...

Besides the game, I kept busy this weekend.

First I finished quilting the wonky kitty stars quilt.

Then I sewed on the binding.

My sewing table is right next to a big chair, so big quilts get propped up on the chair arm by default.  I was sewing, but apparently not fast enough...

Excuse me?

(Skitter, my neurotic kitty, was helping.  She's such a sweetie when she decides not to be afraid of everything, it was hard for me to have to tell her to move.)

I was going to hand sew the other half of the binding down during the superbowl, but I just wasn't feeling it.  I read instead - stopping for commercials, of course!

Then I started cutting and cutting and cutting and cutting for the anniversary quilt.  I ran out of tan and off-white, but what would I expect considering that I didn't have a pattern for a queen size quilt, but a 64x64 throw!  I guesstimated yardages, I was wrong.  But I kept track of what I needed for next time.  ( time...right...)  I went back to JoAnn's today to get the rest of the fabric I needed and ended up at two stores because the first had sold out of the off-white since I was there on Friday!

That's in the wash, along with fabric to make the black, turqouise and red quilt from here.  I waited until today because the March/April issue of Quiltmaker didn't come out until today.  (And I was that annoying lady at the store asking for the magazine because they didn't have it out yet, but I knew it was supposed to be.)  I was hoping they'd have directions for all the different versions, but no, of course not.  So I guessed (again) about yardages.  I suppose I'd better cut these pretty quick just in case something else sells out!

But I thought I'd share some of my efforts for the anniversary quilt.  I did make progress.  I sewed a LOT.  Two bobbins were emptied in this process!

So you heard about the cutting...

Line up and tape down the Angler tool (because who wants to draw diagonal lines across 64 squares?).

Sew, sew, sew...

Cut, cut cut...

(whew...that's a big stack...and it never did get any shorter...)

Press, press press...

Cut, cut cut...


Turn one pile 180 degrees...

And they all will look the same in the end!

(Whew!  I didn't screw that up after all!)

A little more sew sew sew (with lots of pin, pin, pin), cut, cut, cut, press, press press and...

And a little bit of time trimming off those bits from the corners...

All 32 blocks are now 5/9 done.  :)

And if I add that you need to cut your squares 1.25 inches larger than what you want your finished square to be, I think we've got a mini pictorial-tutorial.

(For mine, the block is a 9-patch that will finish 12 inches.  So each square will finish 4 inches.  So I cut my starting squares for these quarter square triangles 5.25 inches.  Easy peasy and they came out great!)

I can't wait to get back to these, but I should probably also be working on my monthly UFO project...choices, choices!

Happy quilting,


  1. I have to tell you this before I really begin my comment! I had the TV on Hannity while reading your blog, but I found myself mesmermized by the beautiful music again! I have no idea what the Hannity gang talked about, and I'll have to re-read your blog before I can finish this!
    The quilting on your stars quilt is very, very nice; you are doing really well!
    I'm amazed by how many blocks you have underway! I've had that Angler for years, and have never tried it. After seeing all you got done with it, I'll be trying it out! ---"Love"

  2. I was cutting fabric during most of the game, I watched the last quarter. I've been cutting fabric for days! Today I got to do some sewing, finally! Kitty Stars turned out great, even with kitty help!

    The red, black, turquoise and white quilt pattern is great, too. Very pretty! Have fun with it. And, you made great progress with cutting and sewing the anniversary quilt. How does the angler work, I'm still drawing lines? Have fun! ! !

  3. You're just steaming right along. I'm feeling absolutely sluggish now! I didn't get to the sewing yeaterday. The guys had the downstairs right beside my sewing space staked out for the Superbowl and I just didn't care to listen. I fed them and cut scraps and knit instead.

  4. Oscar gives me looks like that when he knows he's going to have to move soon;) Boy, that's alot of sewing for those blocks;) Can't wait to see it all together;)
    Happy Quilting

  5. Busy Bee Katie! No Super Bowl here in England well with the time difference you'd have to stay up pretty late! When I lived in the States I went shopping on Superbowl Sunday, not because I didnt like the football but because they kept stopping for adverts and making up there minds! Too slow lol Much prefer an unintterupted 45 mins each way ;) Karen

  6. Wow, a sewing marathon, LOL. I can't do that. I tend to work in spurts and when I have a lot of the same blocks (like pinwheels) I turn them into leader/enders when I can. Kitty is so cute! I love black cats. Checked out that quilt and I love the black, gold and white version. You go girl!


  7. I am a devoit football fan. Although I was not happy about who was in the Superbowl, we did watch it. I thought most of the commercials were awful. My DH said that we aren't in that 25-45 yr range anymore. Anyway, your just so busy, busy. Good luck with the anniversary quilt. Connie204
