
Saturday, February 5, 2011

the book stack and february UFO and more

I know I'm a day late with the book stack photo, but it looked the same yesterday.

The sticky note does say "Dec. 4", but it was actually moved down the wall on Jan. 4, so it shows how much progress I made in the past month.  (I kept meaning to fix that and never did!)

I told you I'd quilt on my snow day, so what did I do?

I loaded my grey wonky kitty stars quilt.  I decided to quilt it with loopdy-loops that would look like balls of unrolling yarn, plus 1/4" inside each star.

I got about 2/3 done before the hubby got home from work and I had to quit.  :(

I plan to finish it today.  At least the quilting and machine part of sewing on binding.  And my dad is working on figuring out lighting for me so I can quilt in the evenings.  (I figure it will be finished about the time it's getting dark at 10pm.)

Once the hubby went to bed, I had to do quiet things.  The number pulled for the UFO challenge for this month is #10.  What is that?

Another easy month: finish blocks 6 through 9 of the Floral Breeze quilt.  They've been pieced and appliqued, so all that's left is the embroidery.

I sat and listened to Rachael Ray, Ellen and Oprah and got 3 of the 4 blocks done.  (Sorry no photos yet.)  One more to go - the bottom-most one in the photo...lots of stems...

And if this isn't enough, I'd had an idea in the back of my mind for a 1st anniversary quilt.  Though I doubt they read the blog, I'm going to leave it mostly a mystery.

But I'll show you the fabrics I bought and washed last night because I finally figured out what pattern I want to do:

And send you here to see what it will look like.

Tonight we have a farewell dinner for my hubby's boss (he's moving on to bigger and better things), so I'd better get crackin'!

Happy quilting,


  1. Can't wait to see what you quilt in those open spaces! The new fabrics are going to make a gorgeous quilt. I find it interesting how the red strips through the corner squares form a diagonal sashing. I want to follow that one closely, so lots of pics, okay? ---"Love"

  2. I am happy for you that you are getting more confident on your long arm;) I took a peak at the proposed anniversary quilt, and it look great;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  3. I really like your kitty quilt. Hope your Dad gets your light soon. I don't like waiting for things.

  4. Kitty Stars is going to be cute, glad you are more confident with your machine! Some good lighting will do wonders and make your quilting easier, too. I like the fabrics and pattern for your new quilt. I have the red fabric and the tan fabric as part of my stash. Bits of both are in a couple of my scrap quilts. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  5. Katie, I thought of you andyour book stack this morning. I went to the library and they are having the book sale today and tomorrow. I didn't have time to look this morning, but...may have to go over this afternoon.
    Can't wait to see your wonky stars all quilted. Great new fabrics for that anniversary quilt. (Like the quilt alot too).
    Enjoy the party.

  6. Look at you, loading and then quilting like you have been doing it for years! Good for you. I like your new fabrics, too.


  7. Oh, the anniversary quilt will be really pretty! Enough ideas already. I had three more this morning,LOL. So glad you are getting to know your quilting machine so well.


  8. Love the book stack and the long arm and all that you are doing with it.
