
Friday, February 11, 2011

happy Valentine's day!

Are you all ready with candy and flowers and cards for your sweeties?  It's almost here!

Me?  I'm a bit of a bah-humbug when it comes to all that mushy stuff.  A nice, home-cooked dinner and a movie rental is good enough for me.  (Heck, just seeing my night-shift hubby is nice!)

But I did get a little bit of a bug when I saw someone's project...

So I went here and got the free patterns...

Made it up and sent it off without taking a photo.  (Typical me, though I did remember to sign it!)

It went to my  mom, so I had to wait for her and my dad to figure out how to e-mail me a photo.  (I'm on the edge of the generation that grew up with computers, so my parents...well, let's just say that they're not as comfortable with it as I am!)

My mom loves it and it was a complete suprize, which made it even better.  It's hanging in her entryway right now.

And a short word about the blog award I was nominated for.  Though I'm honored to be thought of as worthy of this award, I have chosen to decline and will decline all future awards as well.  I just don't feel comfortable with them.

Emma is going absolutely nuts that the computer is making noise.  She's trying to get the music, so I suppose I'd better get back to quilting.  She also does this with cell phones when you put them on speaker.  (Though cats don't have blonde hair, I think my Emma is definitely a blonde!  I'm in good company there!)

Happy quilting,


  1. Oh, Katie, I'm so sorry you don't want to accept the award. Your blog is always so attractive and interesting, and so many are encouraged and inspired by it. But I will accept your decision. Just know that for me, you will always be an award winning quilter/blogger! Happy quilting! ---"Love"

  2. Your Valentines quilt is so cute! I did save the patterns, but since I have been working on some other things, they will have to wait a bit longer. Yours is great! I bought my hubby a card and a bag of Reeces peanut butter cups. He has to wait till Monday to get them though. Happy Valentines Day to you!

  3. Love the little heart project! Sorry about the award though. I think it was designed to bring more people to your blog. And really, your blog has so much to offer. But the choice is yours.


  4. Your heart quilt is adorable. What a nice surprise for your parents. I love your blog and always look forward to it. Connie204

  5. What a nice Valentine's Day gift for your mom;) I'm with you on this mushy hubby has to work on V-day night would be nice just to have him home, but I know he goes to work anyway because he loves me;) And besides, I always think to myself....wasn't it just Christmas not too long ago???
    Happy Quilting!!

  6. the little heart projectr is so cute. I bet your Mom is so excited to havea surprise from you.
    Onr of our dogs used to chase shadows and anything that shines. She would bat aroiund her treats before she ate them. She liked to walk across the back of the couch and then lay there. We have always said she thinks she is a cat. She is still with us, but she is old and really can't jump anymore.
    Happy Sewing
