
Monday, February 14, 2011

a little of this, a little of that

First off, progress on the anniversary quilt:

As of right now, I've got the stars pieces sewn into rows and the setting triangles together, but needing trimming.  I thought I had more in-process photos, but I didn't find them on the camera so either the camera ate them, or I just thought about taking them, but never did.  The hubby just went to bed (napping before work), so I had to quit.  Ah well, it's progress enough for tonight.

And, as the camera photos were uploading, I realized I haven't shown my latest purchase:

It's all cut and ready to sew the wedding quilt (and it took a second trip to the store to get more black and blue), but the anniversary quilt is needed sooner, so it's waiting.  (I'll try to remember to take a photo of all the pieces because there are A LOT!)

And for giggles, when no quilt is on the longarm and it can't be the world's most expensive cat bed, this is what it gets used for:

Uneven parallel bars for cat gymnastics.  I've seen most of the kitties on there, but was fast enough with the camera to get Tucker in action.  Actually, he seems to realize he can get away with just about anything around here because I have photos of him doing all sorts of naughty things that I know all the kitties do, but he sits still long enough for me to get photographic evidence.  Needless to say, he's right...he rarely gets in trouble!

And maybe some of you have seen this clip about the blind lady who quilts, but I thought it was pretty amazing.

We've been enjoying some above-freezing weather the past few days, so I'm hoping spring is truly here.  Though it means more time spent doing things outside, it also means I won't be cold all the time either!

Happy quilting,


  1. I saw that video on that lady;) Amazing, both in talent and drive;) It rang through my head that I really don't have any excuses any more.

    Yes, the cats...they do get away with murder, don't they? Oscar gets the crazies sometime's, and then runs circles around the apartment.

    Can't wait to see what you are working on;)

    p.s....the star quilt...I think I pulled a part of a design for it from a magazine, but can't remember which one;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  2. Great pictures, you are making good progress. The anniversary quilt will be stunning! The kitty picture is cute, kitty gymnastics should be fun to watch! It's nice here in NM again for a few days. We spent the morning trimming trees in the back yard, I'm tired! The woman in the video is amazing.

  3. Your anniversary blocks are looking good. I had seen the blind quilter clip; she is awesome! ---"Love"

  4. The blocks are very striking! It's gonna be a wonderful quilt and kitty is so funny! Uneven parallel bars for cats, LOL. That video is amazing!


  5. The anniversary quilt will be a stunner. I can't wait to see your progress. Love the kitty gymnastics :) Thanks for sharing the video - very inspiring. Enjoy spring - we're having a thaw though I'm afraid to hope it will last.

  6. I did see that video, isn't she just amazing??
    The anniversary blocks look great. The quilt will be so beautiful.
    Love the kitty gymnastics. I spent the afternoon trying to prevent my daughter's kitty, Franco, from jumping up on her. I took her home from the hospital today after back surgery. It is not a happy time.
