
Saturday, January 22, 2011

pure madness

Today my parents came down to visit.  My mom brought a few quilts for the longarm and my dad was pressed into service helping return a borrowed treadmil.  (Though he was also asked to help me solve my lighting problem in the room with the longarm.)

Since my longarm is downstairs and my official sewing room is upstairs, I had to move things around a bit to be within hearing of my mom.  I decided, though it wasn't what I wanted to be working on, to get the Pure quilt together.  Or try to.

I started with a pile of blocks...

Used my design floor and figured out a layout...

Labelled rows and started picking things up just in time for my parents to arrive.  The treadmil had to go out the door that's about 2 feet from the right side of the quilt!

I stopped to get my mom going and then finish lunch.  Crab and corn chowder.  Yummo!

After lunch the boys set off and I dug in.

A quick break a few hours later for dessert (peach crisp - from the Better Homes and Gardens red gingham cookbook if you're interested - and Blue Bunny vanilla ice cream (the best vanilla ice cream EVER)) and a little more sewing and...

...a top is born!  Pure madness, I say, that this is a top needing only borders and I didn't even want to work on it!  (But when #2 gets pulled for the UFO challenge, I'll be patting myself on the back!)

The quilt?  Winterberry from the book "A Baker's Dozen" by That Patchwork Place.  Done in Pure by Sweetwater for Moda. 

I'm still not sure I like it.  Some of those prints are not what I would have chosen, but that's what you get when you buy jelly rolls.  (I'm slowly learning a lesson here...)

And though I now have a mostly-finished top, I also have a sink full of dishes! 
Once those are done, I'm going to work on another project and (more likely than not) snuggle a few kitties in the process.

One more to go!
(Free pattern for these can be found here.)

Happy quilting!

PS  I'd thought about joining the One Thing, One Week challenge to help me get these blocks done, but decided I wasn't too thrilled with the prize and would unofficially challenge myself.  Honestly I didn't think I'd even get the blocks all together and the challenge ends Tuesday!  (Or is it Monday?)

PPS  Work is still a little crazy.  We have a grant due soon, so there's lots of scrambling to find the right people to ask our questions to so we can flesh out our idea.  There's a lot of money (and my job, to some extent) on the line, so it's worth doing it right.  Just a bit of chaos, though.


  1. OK, so I like it! How many jelly rolls did you use? I have two of the same and one other and am not sure what to do with them. I like your little hearts. I think I saw the BOM but am not sure I am collecting them. I will have to check. Keep up the good work, you are going fabulously!


  2. I must tell you that I really like your quilt! It's a color combination I probably would never choose for me, (I'm a pink and green gal) but it is very attractive, and just seems to glow. Good job! ---"Love"

  3. Yes, pure madness...but it's cool;) Work will settle down again soon I'm sure;) Keep up the will save your sanity;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  4. The blues and browns look so pretty together in your quilt top. I have downloaded the hearts patterns for when I have some time for some stitching, gotta few things to finish first eventhough I am anxious to start a new project!

  5. Sounds like you've had a busy weekend. Since it's crab season, I am going to have to try out that chowder recipe.
    I've learned that lesson a few times with Jelly Rolls, but I keep buying them anyway. You did a nice job laying it out. What are you going to use for the border?
    I remember the days of grant writing. Luckly you have a short reprieve after the grant paperwork is submitted. Best of luck!

  6. Love the colors they are so pretty together. You amaze me, I still think you don't sleep much. Connie204

  7. Love the Pure quilt. I am working on a mini with some Pure charms. The hearts are so cute, I might have to print them and try to do them later.
    You are really fast!!!
    Did you find a solution for the lighting in the long arm room???

  8. Pretty!! I know what you mean about some of the prints in there. I wasn't crazy about the heart print myself. But your quilt looks awesome! Very balanced. Have fun with the heart blocks and your self challenge. Oh and good luck with work. I'm sure you'll push through :) Christine

  9. I love the Pure quilt. What will you do for borders? The hearts are very pretty -- hope those kitties all had a good snuggle, too. Good luck.

