
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

two weeks

Two weeks ago today, I placed an order from a well known sewing mail order company.

I bought an extra item to get the free shipping (and actually saved money that way - this time).

Today this box was waiting for me when I got home from work.

There seems to be something sticking out of that box...

(And yes, I know I didn't blur out the company name.)

And I opened it to find...

My order (teflon bobbin washers for in my longarm, a pinpoint oiler for my longarm and a thread cone - what was sticking out) and UNPOPPABLE bubble wrap.

So not only did this company communicate with me minimally about my order, they also took 10 days longer to get my order to me than an online quilt shop that had a few more miles between here and there.  And then they had the audacity to send me bubble wrap that won't pop!

But everything is okay and I'm excited to have my stuff.  Finally.

In the meantime I've been plugging away at the Pure blocks. 

All 17 full blocks done.  7 of 14 partial blocks done.

It's been a crazy couple of weeks at work, so I've been trying to do a little sewing each night to get my mind off things so I can sleep without chasing my job around all night.

And somebody found me a new project.  The little valentine quilt...I think I might make that for my mom.

Off to have some leftover chicken enchilada chili.  Yummy!  And to empty out the new box for my furry children.

Happy quilting,


  1. It's amazing that the part sticking out of the box didn't get bent all out of shape arriving like that! Glad everything arrived OK and you are all set to have some fun playing with it. Wow, what fun is bubble wrap if you can't pop it! That's half the fun of getting the package! I really hate it when my brain won't settle down so I can stay asleep. Doing some sewing to unwind is a good idea. Unfortunately, when I am awake in the middle of the night, it is usually something quilty that I am thinking of. The ideas come when I should be sound asleep. I really like the color combination for your new quilt project. The blue and brown are so pretty together. It will be fun to see how it progresses. Don't you just love the Valentine quilt, I downloaded the patterns and it's going on my to do list, too. Have fun with all your new stuff!

  2. I love that Valentine quilt too. So cute.
    Did someone walk that package to your house? Seems like it took way too long. Love the piece sticking out of the box. NOT. Glad it all made it there and you are happy to have your stuff. I did not know that bubble wrap that didn't pop even existed. And why does it?
    Have fun with the new goodies. Like your pure blocks so far.

  3. WHAT? That is unheard of! I hate waiting on orders. I just got their catalog today so I think I'll think twice about ordering from them. I love your pure blocks and I can't wait to see the finished quilt. Oh and the cute Valentine's day quilt! :)~Christine

  4. Your quilt blocks are looking really nice, and will make a very pretty quilt. Sorry you had the shipping problem! I too am thinking about placing an order from their catalog; maybe I should think some more? Or maybe it was the P.O.; they do make mistakes too! Anyway, I'm glad you received all your order! ---"Love"

  5. The blocks are turning out pretty cool;) I noticed they changed the blues this season. I also noticed the past couple of weeks that a grey, blue and silver color combo is gaining popularity, so you seem to be ahead of the game;)
    The bubble wrap...almost funny;) Too bad the company doesn't seem to take it's business seriously.
    Happy Quilting!!

  6. (Sigh) I am still making pinwheels!


  7. I love the colors of your blocks. It will be a beautiful quilt. Connie204
