
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

uh oh

Remember this quilt top?

Mom-to-be was due Feb. 13th.  Yesterday she had a little boy.

It still looks like this...

And do any of you remember this top?

Late last week, the hubby was asked if I'd donate a quilt to help raise funds for the Relay for Life team at his work.  I said sure, thinking this quilt would be perfect.

Today I got an e-mail.  They want to give it away Feb. 9th.

This one also still looks like the photo too...

It needed a back.  Shopping!

I'm not sure I like it, but it will do.  It was in with the Easter fabrics, though, so shhhh!

And last night I realized that I'd agreed to make a wedding quilt for one of the hubby's good friends who is getting married this summer.  I like this one.

It's called "Serendipity" and was in the August 2002 issue of American Patchwork and Quilting. 

It's too small, though, so some figuring will have to be done while waiting (hoping) for a good sale on fabric.

(Holy cow look at all those pieces.  Why do I do this to myself?)

The hubby also has a  good friend at work who's wife is pregnant and due this summer.  When they find out the sex, add another to the pile.

(I met this guy a few weekends ago and he asked me, 30 minutes later, if I'd make him a quilt!  He doesn't know his baby will get one and I'm not making any promises to make HIM one just yet!)

And there is still a quilt I'd like to quilt for on my couch to replace the Christmassy one.  And three other quilts floating in my head I'd like to make for Christmas gifts for this year.

So maybe I should stop working on the UFO challenges ahead? 

(I didn't do it on purpose!)

But I think for the next 30 minutes until bedtime, I'm going to put my feet up and read a little.

Happy quilting,

PS  Yes, I DO sleep.  8 hours a night if possible because noone likes the person I turn into when I don't get them.


  1. Isn't that the way it always works? You come up with a plan that sounds good and whammo, things change! It sounds like you will be really busy but you can do it! Just enjoy as you go along, we will be here to cheer you on.

  2. So Katie, you are going to be a busy girl for the next few months, and beyond. (Those super powers of yours are going to come in handy.) You certainly won't have time to be bored!

    That doggy quilt top is so cute, and I like the fresh spring colours of the quilt you will be donating.


  3. If you sleep 8 hours every night, and you really think you will get all those quilts made and finished this year, you better stay busy every minute. My mother used to say, "There's no rest for the weary!" And yes, I remember the cute doggie quilt and the sherbet colors in the other one; both are very pretty! I'd hate to see you part with them! ---"Love"

  4. Uh oh indeed! Good luck with all that. I have no sage words - my brother's wedding quilt was over a year late getting to him. Of course he did choose to be married right around the time my daughter was born...

  5. Oh, Katie, your project list is beginning to look like mine, LOL. Are you sure that none of your UFO's will do instead of starting new quilts? I would check that out if I were you. But I do love the tops you have done.


  6. I have the issue with Serendipity...I've been eyeballing it for my daughter, only done up in black, white and red;) We'll see if it happens;) I love that bright one in the middle!! Very popsicle-y, if that's a word;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  7. So many quilts, so little time!! Love that first one by the way. Good luck with all your projects. I have a good friend/previous neighbor who is due with her first this spring- I better get to it too!!

  8. Let's face it! There is never an end.... But it keeps us busy and we love it! Hee Hee!

  9. The puppy quilt is just adorable. Lucky baby. I don't remember the sherbert one but I love it. The colors are fantastic.
    I know what you mean about projects stacking up...I am 3 baby quilts behind at the moment. Just thinking that I really need to get those done.
    It really would be easier if we could stop sleeping!
    I know you will get everything done.

  10. Your quilts are all beautiful. The puppy quilt is cute as can be. I still haven't figured out how you accomplish what you do and still work and get 8 hours of sleep. Connie204

  11. I LOVE that Serendipity quilt. I modified it myself and have made a king-sized version that has been in my UFO pile for a while, because I am slightly afraid of the applique. Now I'm going to go dig it out!
