
Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 UFO challenge: January

Not too long ago, I posted my 12 UFOs (one that I bought mid-post even!) for the 2011 UFO Challenge that Judy over at Patchwork Times is hosting.

Today being the first day of the new year, she randomly chose a number for the project we work on.  (Remember mine were numbered?)  I'm so glad she did because I was having trouble motivating myself to work on anything, knowing I'd be "assigned" something so soon.

The magic number for January is #6!

What is #6?  I had to review, too!

Blocks #1-4 of the Lavender Mist kit from JoAnn's!

I cringed a little at first because this is a whole kit that I've not yet started.  I have all the blocks and a setting/finishing kit, but I wasn't sure I wanted to cut into a new project right off the bat.  Then I realized there are a few applique blocks in there and since the hubby was still snoring away (he made it to midnight, I gave up at 10pm), there was something in there I could do before he got up.

So I dug in.


Everything sorted and pinned, cutting where necessary.  Ready to sew and guess what?  The hubby got up midway through this preparation!

Something I learned: JoAnn's does not know how to cut a square square.  Many of the pieces are pre-cut and so many of those squares had slightly rounded edges.  I have no idea how they cut these, but whoever authorized the process was NOT a quilter.  I feel bad for anyone who has never quilted before and bought this kit...I can't imagine they'd continue to be a quilter without much encouragement.

All complaining aside, it was nice to have the pieces mostly cut for me.  No heavy-duty cleaning of my cutting area to make room for larger pieces of fabrics.  No arguments with kitties over where they could or could not sit while I used the rotary cutter. 

I started sewing and these blocks are BIG.  Like 16 inches finished big.

The blocks are also pretty simple.  So far.

And here's where I am, just a few hours later:

Yep...3 blocks completely done and the fourth ready to applique!

Those inside flower points are going to be a challenge, but I suppose since I've nearly completed the UFO challenge for this month, I can learn something new!

I have a few other photos of my trip to the quilt shops earlier this week, but I'll save those for another post.  (And maybe, with the sun shining, I can get a photo of the wonky log cabin quilt I also finished earlier this week.)

Happy quilting,


  1. What pretty blocks. It seems you are well on your way and the new year has just begun.


  2. Great progress! Those blocks are really pretty, can't wait to see how it all turns out!

  3. Ahhhh----pink and green --- my favorites! That's going to be really pretty! I've never bought the pre-cuts, but have wondered about them. Surely you must have just bought a "lemon", you think? ---"Love"

  4. GEEEEEZE!!!! ;) We are only hours into the new year and you already have that much done???? I'm still drinking coffee, nursing a hangover and trying to get my day started!! LOL;)
    The blocks look great, and a challenge right off the bat;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  5. I so love the colors in this quilt...your blocks turned out wonderfully! Sorry about the you suppose it was ment to be that way? Are you going to say something? I hope it didn't cause you much grief.

  6. You really move out on projects. The blocks turned out great. Can't wait to see the rest. Connie204

  7. Love the blocks! Very pretty!


  8. The coloring is great. I have also found the same problem with a pre-cut BOM that I have--the squares are square.

    I can send a project your direction if you so much extra time!

  9. I have been working on that one for a while too! I have all the pieced blocks done, one of the applique blocks done, and one fused. I have the setting/finishing kit, but I just keep wishing my machine could do applique.

  10. You're off to a running start! I'm a little jealous. I had thought I'd get to quilt or knit a little something today but other stuff got in the way. We did get out to the rink for some skating though, so it wasn't all chores :)

  11. Really!!! All that? It is only the 1st. Whatcha gonna do for the rest of the month. LOL Your blocks are pretty andn this quilt will be very pretty when you finish it tomorrow. ;)

  12. Wow! You've really made some great progress. I'm so glad to see how motivated you were! Started right off the bat. My number 6 project is one that I started more than 13 years ago and haven't done anything with it since then. It still has a lot of piecework to finish.
