
Friday, December 31, 2010

a look back

I truly can't believe how fast this year has gone.  Overall, it's been a good year.

I reviewed my list of quilts and realized I didn't finish a lot of bigger quilts.  Most were dolly quilts.

This was as far as I got with my montly self-challenge before I realized there weren't going to be extra dollies for these: I stopped production and made sure the budget would allow dollies for all these quilts, too.  I'm not sure I'll be making dolly quilts again this year, but for those of you who sent me fabric, rest assured that it will be used for a charity quilt of some kind.

There was some organizational sewing...

And some random sewing...

There was a fantastic block swap...

...and someday I hope to be good enough to quilt this on my new longarm...

And even a few quilts I don't have photos of or I can't show yet.  They'll be linked up in my sidebar as I get those.  Under the 2010 finishes column.  But I'm excited to start a 2011 column!  Tomorrow!

Besides sewing, there were a few losses in the family...

Considering the shape they were both in when we traded them in, I think it's probably safe to say we recycled some large items this year!

We also lost Grandpa May.  But he's in a better place and with his wife again, so we're not too sad for the things he's missing here.

And we added a few new family "members" too...

And there were the books...

There were cookies and pies...

(...some came out better than others...)

There was a little silliness on the part of family members...

(...that second one is not me...)

And last but surely not least, there's a new, very large sewing machine in my house!

I hope you all have had a good year as well and I hope we all have an even better 2011!

I'm excited to start some new projects, finish some old ones.  I look forward to seeing what all my bloggy and non-bloggy friends make, too!  And I'm excited to have you all joining me for another year's journey.

Happy new year!


  1. You have accomplished alot this year. I wish I had all that energy. Have a Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing all you do in the New Year. Connie204

  2. I didnt realise you made an elephant. I won one in a giveaway made from a pillow case and was sent more pillowcases to make more, but I dont know the girls FIGHT over the one! yours is SO CUTE!

  3. Happy New Year, Katie. Thanks for an inspiring year.


  4. Your projects look amazing! We look forward to lots more in 2011! Happy New Year!

  5. Happy New Year to you and yours;) I think it's been a busy year for all of us, once we take a step back and do inventory of it all;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  6. Well done! Want to compare finished projects at the end of 2011? LOL!


  7. What a great year you've had in 2010, except for losing your Grandpa. I'm glad you can see some good even in that, for him anyway. May 2011 be even more successful for you, particularly in your quilting! ---"Love"

  8. Katie, you really did a lot in 2010. This year you will be busy again. And you will be greeat on that long arm!!!
    Happy New Year!
