
Sunday, January 2, 2011

the wonky modern log cabin quilt

Yesterday was a sunny day, so I talked the hubby into being my quilt-holder to get a photo of the wonky modern log cabin quilt.  The wind was not helping and now that I see these photos bigger than the little preview on the back of my camera, I'm thinking I need to retake them.  Sunlight was not my friend, sadly.  You can't tell there are lime greens in there.

But for now...

We've been using it on the sofa for a couple of days.  It's been washed, so it's all crinkly and cuddly, but attracts Emma fur like no tomorrow (which is why it was washed the first time...and will need to be washed too frequently in the future I have sadly found out the hard way).  And it's about 75 or 80 inches square, so it's pretty big.  But it's nice to share!

Many of you may recall my right brain vs. left brain post before this quilt began.  I'm not sure they're in agreement fully yet, but overall I'm happy that it's done and I can use it. 

I'm sure many of you know the pride you feel curling up on the couch under a quilt you've made...for me there's a good amount of disbelief along with that pride.  I MADE this?  Wow...I MADE this!

This is only the second quilt in use in my home that I've made entirely myself.  This and the Christmas quilt I finished earlier in December.  All others were at least quilted by someone else, but many have been around long enough that my mom did more of the piecing than me!

And now for some promised photos.

The templates for the longarm (minus Tupperware):

Some fabric and a pattern from the awesome quilt shop:

(though I'm not sure yet that I'm going to use the Little Twister with these fabrics...)

And a kit, also from the awesome quilt shop:

..that I don't need...

I realized after I got home that this quilt was designed by the shop owner's daughter.  Very cool considering I met her!  And saw her fantastic longarm work.  Makes me feel like a little kid riding a tricycle...

And more fodder for those of you picking on me about getting such a good start on my January's done.  But really consider what it was: 4 blocks.  I imagine many, if not all, of you could pull that off given a good day of sewing.  Future months won't begin in the middle of a holiday/vacation and will also have bigger goals, so don't put those judgements in stone just yet!

Happy quilting!


  1. Crinkly and cuddly it is, wow. It is beautiful! I know that feeling, looking at a quilt and thinking, "I made that!" It feels good doesn't it. Your new fabrics and templates are great. You are all set for the next project. Have fun!

  2. The quilt turned out beautifully and you did a great job quilting it. It sounds like you are having to share it with your kitties. I'm so jealous. Connie204

  3. I know that "I made this" feeling. I don't think you ever get over that.

    I think we all love to cheer you on because you seem to squeeze so much out of every day. I, for one, would like to be more like you. So, keep up the good work!


  4. The quilt turned out really well. Enjoy sharing it (sounds like the kitties aren't giving you much choice there anyway). I just got the Lil'Twister and the bigger twister templates as an early birthday present. They are going to be fun to play with!

  5. I'd curl up on that pretty quilt too;) Congrats on getting it done;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  6. I can see touches of the lime green, and love it! Your quilting looks very professional to me! Great job! I'm glad you are enjoying using it rather than storing it away. ---"Love"

  7. Katie, it looks just great. I love the quilting.
    Sorry about the Emma fur. Everything in my housr gets a coating of westie fur. Next time I will get a neutral colored animal. LOL
    Your new fabrics look like lots of fun.
    You know we were just kidding about you getting your challenge done on the first. You go girl!!!

  8. Wow, the quilt turned out gorgeous! I should try something like that (down Flit!). Since you got the first 4 blocks done for your January challenge, why don't you make 4 more? That way, by February, you will be able to substitute something else for the challenge and be that much more ahead!


  9. I love the circles in the blocks! Yes, it is great to cuddle under a quilt you made. We're sleeping under 3 quilts I made in the camper on cold nights (like last night). The fabric is great too! Have fun!
