
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

when all else fails...

Yesterday my mom and I trekked a few hundred miles (round trip) to a shop specializing in longarm supplies.  I was less than impressed with their selection of templates (what I really wanted) and those they had were expensive.

Then I found the bargain bin!  I had a photo of what I got, but my camera seems to eat about one of every 10 or so photos lately and now it's dark out...  I got a set of three circles and an in-the-ditch ruler.  They were used, but what do I care?  They're not broken.  :)

I was on a mission for circles thanks to a comment from Canuck Quilter suggesting those inside the blocks.  I already wanted the circle templates, but this moved them WAY up on my list!

But my biggest circle is 7".  When you quilt outside that (the foot is 1/4"), you end up with a 7.5" circle.  In a 12" block that's a little skimpy-looking.

When all else fails... the kitchen!  These Tupperware lids were perfect, though they have one little lip I had to work around.

I'm still having trouble with my thread breaking in the middle of sewing, but I got 5 circles in each of the 16 blocks today.  (With a trip to the store for more thread...)

This is one of the best blocks.  Some of the circles are better than others.  But they're ALL better than the last circles I tried to do!

So the top is finished, trimmed and scrappy binding is machine-sewn down.  I should be working on the hand-sewing, but I'm stalling.

My hubby's brother's two kids are going to stay with us tomorrow night (the nephew that stays a lot and his younger sister), and I'm hoping to have this done so one of them can sleep under it.  I better get working!

Happy quilting,

PS  We also went to a quilt shop near the longarm shop and I spent a bundle.  I'll have to get photos of my goodies and post them soon.  I could have spent a lot more was a GOOD shop and I'm sad it took about a tank of gas to get there and back yesterday, or I'd be back!  (Before you gasp too loudly, a tank is only about 12 gallons and I do get good mileage.)


  1. The quilt is really looking good! Keep practicing!


  2. Hey, for a quilter, a tank of gas is nothing to fret over, is it? *wink* Your circles look perfect to me! Great idea! I wonder if a nearby office supply would have a set of heavy plastic circles in their "draftsmen supplies" department? Seems like I've seen them in Staples here; might be worth checking. I don't think there's any need for you to be afraid of your new quilting machine again! You can do it!! ---"Love"

  3. Gotta love the kitchen. It gets you fed but more importantly it has templates! The quilt looks good. I can't believe how quickly you got all the quilting done!

  4. I do need pics!

    but then again I am on camera #3 in 5 do I understand camera problems!!

    I love the quilt though! I hope you have it done in time, maybe if it has no intended home it could be your nephews quilt for whenever he stays with you and could go to college with him? or be there waiting when he comes "home".

  5. Love your circles Katie. Your quilt looks like you are an old pro on that long arm.

  6. oooh love the circles they look great ..xx

  7. The circles turned out great and the quilt looks terrific. How creative you are getting with your long arm. Connie204

  8. Looks good, Katie;) It's always fun to use things from around the house as patterns;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  9. It looks fine Katie. Don't be too critical of your work. It's a really nice quilt. Happy New Year! Ann :-)
