
Monday, December 27, 2010


I'm a little afraid of my longarm.  I'll admit it.

But I only have so many days off work and today was actually sunny!  Which made the lighting extra good. 

So I loaded the blue and green wonky log cabin quilt.

And I stippled in all the borders.

But I'm stumped as to what to do in the blocks.

Any suggestions?

(In the meantime, I'm hoping the kitties don't get too much fur on it!)

Happy quilting,


  1. I understand being a little afraid of the new machine, I'm that way with mine, too. It will just take practice and you will become comfortable with it. I would just stitch in the ditch around the log cabins if it were me. I'm not very imaginative with ideas for that. It is a beautiful quilt!

  2. How about off-center circles within circles with the smallest centered on the starting block of the log cabin? Am I making any sense? The stippling looks good. -Joanne

  3. Yep, I think Marsha got it right! Stitch in the ditch on the log cabins. The quilt looks stunning. You are so good with random.


  4. Your stippling looks terrific! I think the stitch in the ditch would bring the logs out and would be a great contrast to the pretty swirls. On one I did long ago, I stitched through the middle of each log which gave the appearance of two narrow logs. You might consider that, though I'm not sure it would work well on yours. ---"Love"

  5. I have no ideas, but what you've done so far looks great;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  6. Love the stippling. I would do the stitch in the ditch too. I have a very hard time figuring out how to quilt things. (probably why I have somany unquilted tops.)

  7. I love the way the border turned out. It looks like you have started to get the hang of working with the long arm. I think I would try a simple shape like an off-center star in each of the log cabins. It would add dimension and interest without taking away from the pattern. Any way you choose will look fantastic though.
