
Saturday, July 24, 2010

progress report

Was it really that long ago that I committed myself to finishing the first I Spy top?

I've been slacking... 

Tonight I kicked it into gear for a few hours...

They're sewn into rows now.

Skinny sashing to go between so it's a little longer than wide.

Then baste and quilt!

Bind with more purple.

Here was my help:

Making sure every block had the proper amount of off-colored fur. 
(Poor Luka...he doesn't photograph well, he just looks evil when he's a truly sweet boy.)

And I did make good use of about an hour last night too, just not on the quilt I should have been working on...

42 circles ready for applique. 
(At least I can do this nearer the air conditioner!)

Happy quilting,

PS  I couldn't resist.  I started reading Twilight.  So far it's a good book.  Holds my attention, but wondering why so many adults are so infatuated with a book that's clearly a teen romance...I'd be embarassed to be in love with Edward...


  1. The I Spy quilt is cute, I especially love the surfing kitty, the space aliens and the funny elephants. Could an adult have an I Spy quilt all their own? ? ? Luka is doing a good job inspecting your quilt. Good Kitty! ! ! The circles for applique are interesting, I like the top fabric. Can't wait to see this one, too.

  2. I resisted Twilight the whole time then wham I ended up inhaling all four books. They get better as you go on. Just thinkof them as one book with four parts so the constant character development doesn't drive you up a wall (at least that's what was bothering me)

    When you are done, let's talk! =)

  3. That's a pretty cool looking quilt;) I'm sure the finishing touched Luka is putting into the quilt will make it the more comfy;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  4. What a clever I Spy quilt! Gives a kid's eyes a place to rest; I like it! The kitty and circles are cute too. ---"Love"

  5. I love your setting for the I spy!!!Did you come up with that yourself? I sill have some fussy cut squares and I would love to use them up. (Can't waste fabric you know).

    So far I haven't read the Twilight series although I boughtsome of them for my niece. My older daughter started one after her back surgery and had to read them all.

    BTW can't wait to see how you set those circles.

  6. Well, like Luka (wasn't he a character on ER?) I like the quilt. The circles will make a great quilt. I read the Twilight series because my now 14 year old granddaughter, then 12, asked me to read them. She loved them, of course. I made it through the series. I'm just into Vampires. Connie204

  7. Oh I love the I Spy quilt!! Great pattern! Is it your own creation? Or maybe Luka co-created it? ;) I broke down and read Twilight a while ago and I agree with you. I don't get the infatuation but they're a good popcorn read. You'll probably be through all 4 books in a week or two! :)

  8. I love the purple/white combination in your I Spy! What a terrific quilt. Luka is gorgeous too. Stay cool. Ann :-)
