
Monday, July 26, 2010

yay for mail!

After a long, boring day at work, this was in my mailbox when I got home:

(*happy dance*)
(ooh...look at those selvages Lisa...)

I ordered these late last week for borders and binding on this:

That word print is not the easiest thing to find and I wanted red for the other border and binding and that was even hardrer to find at one shop...

My sis-in-law is coming for a quilty day Saturday, so I'll probably have this to show a top at least!

Progress report on my one thing, one week challenge tomorrow.

Happy quilting,


  1. It's amazing how something pretty in the mail can perk up your day;) Love the quilt top;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  2. ohhh yumm yummm both the fabrics and the selveges!! I love the quilt itself too!!

  3. I'm happy dancing with you!! Love that fabric and the quilt! Have a happy quilty day :) ~Christine

  4. Those fabrics are going to be great on your quilt!

  5. Hurry, hurry! I can't wait to see what you do with those fabrics. That quilt is so neat. I've never seen one quite like it; could it maybe be considered a different style of string quilt? Whatever, I like it! ---"Love"

  6. Mail that isn't bills always brightens up a day, and when it's pretty fabric, well! Enjoy your quilty Saturday with your Sis-in-law. -Joanne

  7. What a pretty quilt, and the border and binding fabrics are perfect. Can't wait for pictures of the finished top.


  8. I love that words fabric...we had it in green in the shop for a brief time (sold quickly). I like your colorway better and your coordinatng fabric too. Like the quilt you are working on.
    Enjoy your sew day!!!

  9. What a delightful surprise! Nice fabrics too and a super quilt! Have a wonderful stitching day with your Sister-in-law. Ann :-)
