
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

one thing, one week

Amy of Amy's Creative Side (and the Blogger's Quilt Festival) has issued a challenge on her blog...  Choose one thing to challenge yourself with for the week (starting today) and at the end of the week (next Tuesday), she's going to have a Mr. Linky so we can all share.

I need help.  I'm in.

My challenge for myself?  Get the I Spy top together for Miss Makayla. 
(I have all weekend, right?) 

Here's where I stand:

Those blocks need a fourth border (there's 25 of them) and those purple rectangles get a white stripe between them (24 blocks).  This should be easy if I can just drag myself away from the air conditioner...  (Actually the sewing room isn't all that bad until I turn on the iron.)

But if this isn't bad enough, I went out and bought fabrics for the handprint quilt I plan to make.  Turns out there has been no diagnosis yet, but in the process of getting hand tracings, the cat was let out of the bag and now I'm committed regardless.  Oh well...

I was thinking about doing hearts for alternate blocks, but these fabrics just don't intuitively scream hearts.  Maybe random circles?  I'm still thinking on layout too, since the person it was supposed to be a suprize for I'm thinking to add her hand and the family's last name instead of "Mom".

And you think I'm done, right?  Nope.  As I was working on Makayla's quilt, I realized that my sis-in-law will probably be a little jealous that her little one isn't getting a second quilt for his second birthday like Makayla while I have the box of I Spy fabrics borrowed from my mom, why not work on a second...

But I don't want them to be matchy-matchy.  The family already calls them girlfriend and boyfriend (they're about 2 months apart in age and see a lot of each other), so I had to take care of that.  Off to Flickr for inspiration.  Found it!

So back to JoAnn's I went for more fabric.  Boy is that store busy...

The smaller circle print will be block background, the larger will be outside borders.  Lime green sashing and binding, blue cornerstones.  Applique circles are pretty easy...she says before she's even picked fabrics for the 42 blocks she's planned...  (And I did not realize until just now that I'm using some of the same black prints as the original!)

But wait, there's more!  Books, that is.  Some friends borrowed the hubby's fishing boat this weekend and left these hanging on my doorknob (they were here very, very early):

Because that stack of books I bought on July 3rd isn't tall enough.  The friend who went to the book sale with me mentioned this other friend had these books.  I filed that info away into the deep recesses of my brain, thinking I'd ask to borrow them when the ginormous stack got a little smaller, but she beat me to it.  Now I want to read these instead!

And finally, Theri beat me to it, but I was going to make a list of projects I need to finish.  We'll leave out the few UFOs that have no destination in mind (truly there are only a few that aren't at least tops) so that I can concentrate on the ones I need to remember to make.  There are so many I keep forgetting and then going "oh no, not another one!"

In no particular order:

1.  Hubby's new bed quilt (Christmas deadline)
2.  Makayla's I Spy quilt (November deadline)
3.  Ethan's I Spy quilt (January or Christmas deadline)
4.  Alora's sports teams quilt (if I can find all those I want - Christmas deadline)
5.  Kim's hand print quilt (as soon as possible - I should probably set myself a real deadline)
6.  Erik and Jennifer's quilt (as soon as I get their address...and the binding on!)
7.  Make Life Charm Squares quilt (needs borders - no deadline, it's for me!)
8.  Amanda's twin quilt #1 (babies due November)
9.  Amanda's twin quilt #2
10.  Julie's 3rd baby quilt (no clue when this one is due or if the rumor is true)

I have at least fabrics and a plan for # 1-7.  #8 and 9 I called tonight too ask and the babies didn't cooperate at the ultrasound to find out the sexes, so she has another appointment next week.  #10 may not pan out, but I might as well include it.

Next Saturday (the 31st) my sister-in-law who quilts is coming down for a quilting day.  She's got 4 baby quilts she'd like to make, though I'm not sure she's committed out loud to the recipients, so she's not in quite the bind I'm in.  But we'll have a fun day, no matter what we're working on.

And I work better with multiple projects and deadlines. 
Especially deadlines.

Now that I've committed to the challenge, I'd better quit typing and start sewing!

Happy quilting,

Oh dear, I've forgotten a few more UFOs...

11. Birdies on a Wire quilt (for me, no deadline, just want it done!)
12. extra June dolly quilt
13. July dolly quilt
14. APQ swap quilt (borders only)

Let's hope that's all of them!


  1. Looks like you have a good start on what needs finished by when. That list thing seems to work! Enjoy all that sewing, sounds like fun!

  2. You have your work (or play?) cut out for you. I love those fabrics for the I Spy. They'll be fun to work with.

    I'm glad you work better with deadlines. That works for other parts of my life but they make me grumpy when they sneak into my quilting time. As for multiple projects...I didn't do that for a long time, then thought I might like the variety, but now am trying desperately to go back to a maximum of two. We'll see how that goes!

  3. Oh my goodness! You (and Theri) make me tired! If I had that many projects going, I'd never be able to find them! You'll probably have half of them finished by your next blog in a few days! What fun fabrics you have shown us! ---"Love"

  4. I love all the prints you are going to work with;) Don't you hate it when word gets out that you are going to make something for somebody? I don't feel like digging through my pile of UFO's and facing them;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  5. You are gonna be one busy lady! Enjoy the process. Love the new fabrics.


  6. Yikes! I'm tired just reading your list!!! Good luck with the challenge. I've been quilting away as I'm trying to get a lot done while I'm home.

  7. Wow! It's early here and I'm already tired just from reading both you and Theri's list. I doesn't look like either of you will get bored. Connie204

  8. Me too...have list like that. even longer. Right now the only deadline I have is for a store sample that I am working on, the boss wants it next week for the Holiday in July sale. I bette get going too. Happy sewing!
    BTW love the fabrics you showed.

  9. First -- sincere condolences on the passing of Grandpa May.

    I love all your new fabrics, and the projects that you have planned. Good luck with that UFO list.


  10. Dive right on in! You have some great plans for quilts and terrific fabrics. The circle quilt looks super and is one I'd like to make (one day). Have a great sewing day with your sister-in-law. Cheers, Ann :-)
