
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

scrap challenge update - May edition

Where has the time gone?  Less than a month to go on the scrap challenge!

Sew like the wind!

Progress on scrap quilt #2 has been slow.  I've been easily sidetracked, but here are the blocks:

Now let's look around and see how the other participants are doing...

Beth reported earlier this month that she's got pieces ready to sew.  Sew Beth Sew!

Mary's last report you've already seen - she dared to blame me for her making a mess.  And then she went and bought more fabric.  THAT was not my fault!  You'd better get busy sewing Mary!

Cheryl teased us with just one finished block yesterday.  Seems she has a few other projects on her plate as well, what with that ugly fabric challenge.  Get busy morphing that ugly fabric into a butterfly so we can see the scrap quilt too!

Theri went ahead and completely finished hers earlier this month.  Stayed up all night for three or four days working on it to give to her uncle who has been diagnosed with a very aggressive kind of cancer.  Incredible finish, though the story is so sad. 

Kathleen and Oscar have been hard at work getting blocks together for her scrap quilt.  I really like it.  The more I look at it, the more I think I need one like it.  The strips of strips just seem to float in the quilt.  Very unique, but how much does that black cat hair show up?  (Like I don't know...)

Keep sewing gals!  We're nearing the finish line.  I have to sleep on my ideas for setting those blocks above, but I hope to have a second top done by June 14th!

Sidetracking me are a stack of 6 dolly quilts.  (Thanks again, Mary!)  This one was finished last night:

I really like it.  I had my doubts, but I really like it.

The other 5 are all at least basted.  Double Irish Frogs II is in the process of being bound (what I SHOULD be doing right now...), so more pics to come soon.

I also have been distracted by garage saleing (no quilty finds, though there were some good non-quilty finds), going to a cardio kickboxing class (wow...I didn't know I HAD muscles there!), and getting the beloved Neon fixed (this weekend it goes in to have the oil sensor replaced) again again again.

And finally, about two weeks ago I won a giveaway over at Dotty Jane and I've neglected to take a picture and blog about it.  So here are my winnings:

I didn't realize it until after uploading the photo that the little pattern is obscured.  It makes a little zippy pouch that is cute.  But I LOVE the Make Life charm squares.  There are some with words on them that I just want to carry around in my pocket so I can look at them when I want to.  Does that make me crazy?  No, wait, don't answer that.

And I mentioned that since I'd won a giveaway, I'd be doing one of my own to pay back.  I have a pretty good idea of what I'll be giving away, but I have to make it first and, well, you've read the rest of the post, so you know why it might take a few more weeks...  It WILL happen.

Happy quilting!


  1. There is some terrific progress on the Scrap Challenge. What to go girls! The dolly quilt is a sweetie - nice work. Great win on the giveaway. Cheers, Ann :-)

  2. The doll quilt is really cute. I have been following the Scrap Challenge. I can't wait to see it all put together. Congrats on the win. Enjoy, Connie204

  3. Can't wait to see the progress on the scrap challenge and the doll quilt is stunning. Congratulations on the win, that is so much fun!

  4. Congrats on the win. Nice goodies.
    The dolly cute is adorable. ( did I mention I had some of that watermelon fabric? Used it to make a zipper pouch.)
    Can't wait to see the completed scrap top.

  5. Can't wait to see how you put those star blocks together. What are you planning for the charm pack, besides carrying a few pieces in your pocket? -Joanne

  6. I can't sleep...I have this scrap quilt on my brain!!!! LOL;) This is kind of fun;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  7. Wish I could get inspired to do some quilting! Reading what all of you are doing almost did it for me, but all I have time for right now is household repairs, etc. I'm glad I was somehow able to read all the blogs this morning. It may be May 26 before I'm up and running again! Drats!! ---- Hmmm---maybe some quilting time in that time block?? --- Maybe?? ---"Love"

  8. Hmm...a butterfly. Now that's an interesting idea. I promise that the ugly fabric has consumed a bit of my time this week, but it all got packed back away for a marathon of scrap quilting this weekend and hopefull I'll have more than just a block to show for it!
    I'm loving all your doll quilts! Some very lucky little girls are going to love them too!
