
Sunday, May 23, 2010

local quilt show!

Today my mom and I went to a quilt show being held by a local quilt group.  There were lots of quilts to see and lots of vendors to shop at.

I took pictures of some quilts I really liked, but I forgot my camera and only had my phone.  I thought the memory card I put in there would allow me to pull them off, but apparently my phone is "smarter" than I am, so it saved them to the phone memory and won't let me move them.  Technology...

I stopped at a few booths showing longarm machines and tried out a few different brands.  I still have a lot of thinking and researching to do, but I have a better idea of how they work, how much space they take up and how much they will cost.  Left brain is telling right brain I'll never be good at it...

And there were many vendors...

I bought just a few things...

The roll of three fabrics with the pattern attached I won!  They had door prize drawings and both my mom and I won.  My stuff is better.  Funny thing is that I used that same line of fabrics for my Holly Bunches quilt, so you know I like it!

The "BLAH BLAH BLAH" fabric was laughed at and then we spent a whopping $2.35 for that fat quarter just to see my hubby smile.  I think he thinks we're crazy.  He might be right...

I have no plan in mind for any of the other fabrics.  They caught my fancy and it's been a long time since I indulged (well, those purple fat quarters we'll just forget about for now) in anything I didn't need.  I'll figure out ways to use them all because I love them all.

I also eyed a very pretty kit, but forgot to go back and drool some more before making a final decision.  In the end, it's probably better I forgot because I was out of money by that time.  And the show was over and they were kicking people out when we left!

The patterns I will use, too.  I found out earlier this week that my nephew's aunt is pregnant with twins.  She and her hubby have been trying since before my nephew was born (he's 8 now) to have kids, so twins are an extra blessing.  I'll be making quilts for both babies with the help of my nephew's mom (ex-sis-in-law - we still like her even if her hubby doesn't!) soon and I think both patterns may come in handy.

I've also been busy finishing up dolly quilts.  I have two more done, but don't have pictures yet.  I'll try to get those taken and posted soon.

Then I'm going to finish the grey and red scrap quilt top.  I've only got a few more days and I figure with Kathleen and Theri having finished whole quilts, I'd better try to keep up with two tops maybe equalling one whole quilt...

THEN I'm going to get the giveaway goodies put together.  Sound ambitious?  If I have a plan, I'm more likely to keep motivated, so this list and new stack of goodies should do the trick!  The giveaway is nagging at me, but I've gotta find room to cut something new.

Happy quilting,


  1. What a fun and inspiring blog you've written! In spite of my 'blahs', just reading it made me want to get busy --- tomorrow maybe! *grin* ---"Love"

  2. How fun to win a door the fabrics!!

  3. That's the way to do it, Katie. Line up the projects and keep going! You don't lose momentum that way.


  4. You came home with some great stuff. Those owls, and the turtle and smail, and did I see two sock monkey prints? Those will just be fun to play with. Enjoy! -Joanne

  5. Glad you enjoyed the quilt show - I just love them and you have a wonderful swag of goodies there. Ann :-)

  6. Your blog is so much fun and you make me tired. You are sooo energetic and lucky. Your goodies look great.

  7. First, ignore the left brain! All those pantographs are for quilting & practice... I know you'll be great in no time at all. Love all the fabrics and glad you and your Mom won! Can't wait to see the grey & red star quilt. Mary

  8. I agree with Mary... you are very crative and I know you would be a great longarmer in no time.
    Wonderful stack of goodies from the quilt show. Can't wait to se what you do with all of those fabrics and patterns.

  9. Glad you got to enjoy yourself at the show and pick up some goodies. Indulging yourself is a required aspect of quilting once in a while;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  10. The Bow Wow blankie pattern is so cute! It will make a darling baby blanket.

    And I so would have bought the blah blah fabric for the same reasons. Except I would probably make a pair of earmuffs out of it. That way when I'm busy sewing and he wants to tell me about the basketball game on TV I could just let him blah blah and I can sew in peace. Ok, so I probably wouldn't actually, but the look from my husband would be so worth it!
