
Sunday, May 9, 2010

happy mother's day!

My Mother's Day peony made a showing this year:

I believe this originally came from my grandma - through my uncle to me. 

But there's so much else to tell...

Thursday I found out I'd won a giveaway at Dotty Jane.  I'm thrilled and amazed.  I almost never win anything, so this was completely unexpected.  Now I have to figure out what to use the charm pack for.
Pictures to come when it arrives.

And I'd told myself if I ever won a giveaway, I'd do one of my own - even things out a little.  So I've got some ideas in my head, but I'll need some time to make it happen. 
Keep watching!

Friday I headed to my parents' for a weekend of sewing with my mom and sister-in-law.  I sewed like a maniac and got a lot done...

First I finally sewed the strips I'd cut weeks ago to make Double Irish Frogs II:

Look familiar?  I'm all out of one frog print and the green.  I think the remaining pink frogs will be enough for the back and then there will be no more frogs in my stash.  At least not these guys!

Then I put together Watermelon Fence:

The watermelon fabric is from Mary, the rest from my stash. 

Then I worked only from my stash for the May installement of dolly quilts and managed to miscalculate so I had enough for two that are yet unnamed:

When I got the tops together, they were too gaudy for a border of the same colors, so I went through my mom's stash of fabrics she'd bought to make I Spy quilts.  I LOVE the popsicles, but the use of these fabrics is not typical for me, so I don't exactly love where the popsicles are.  Emma is glad to see me.

With those finished, it was time to work on a big quilt...

Whee!  This is 25 of 26 because I couldn't figure out how to get that last one in there without having a very funky-shaped quilt.  It will go on the back with a label - definitely not going to get left out!

It still needs borders and I was planning to use white, but I ran out and now I'm not sure white is the way to go.  There will be some head-scratching before I make a final decision.

And there was still time left, so I started working on the red and grey wonky stars.  I didn't get to work long because my other brother (the mechanic) and his wife and three girls showed up for Mother's Day lunch.  (The brother married to quilter sister-in-law was over a bunch already.)

We did eat and sleep.  We laughed a lot.  We have a few new goofy things to say to each other that will make no sense to anyone else.  We did not fool with brother's wildlife camera this time - it would require hip waders to get to...maybe next time!

What I forgot:
cell phone
hubby's Christmas quilt (that's a secret)
more than about 100 yards of white thread
extra bobbins

The hubby saved me with the cell phone (I realized it while at work) and we worked out the rest.

Back home again, needing to get groceries, wanting a nap. 
I'd bet my kitties vote for nap and snuggle time!

Last but not least is my purple trillium blooming.  I think this one is pretty cool.

Happy Mother's Day!

PS  The turqouise and orange dolly quilts are a pattern I first saw at Judy L's blog but then I also found one very similar in my The Little Box of Baby Quilts "book."  I didn't follow directions for either - drew my own pattern - but I want to give credit for inspiration.


  1. I love your swap quilt!!! How big will it be? It looks awesome. Sounds like you had a very productive weekend. That great!!

  2. Happy Mother's Day! You have been busy. The swap quilt is awesome and I vote for a thin black border and then another colored one or even two. The peony and the trillium are gorgeous.


  3. wow, you have been busy

    love your flowers and quilts...

  4. Happy Mothers Day! You really accomplished a lot over the weekend. The doll quilts are so cute and the swap quilt is fantastic! It is fun to see the progress you have made. Your trillium are very pretty, too.

  5. Busy, busy girl! All lovely pieces of work, as usual... What a wonderful Mom's Day retreat!

    (I so can't wait until I get my blocks!)

    :) Theri

  6. OMG! You must not have slept much. The frogs are adorable. Your newest dolly quilts very cute. I like the watermelon fence. I had some of that fabric, I made a cosmetic bag out of it. Your swap quilt looks amazing. Now it is getting even more exciting. Seeing the blocks is fun, making them is fun, but seeing them together the best!

  7. Very, very productive, I see;) Good stuff;) I spotted the slug bug fabric!! I have YARDS of that stuff. It goes really well for backings on bright quilts;)
    The scrap quilt is great. I admit I enlarged your picture so I could find my blocks;) How cool is that???? To have something I made in something that someone else likes;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  8. You have been sewing up a storm Katie! Fantastic effort! I just adore the swap quilt - it looks amazing. The peony is beautiful too. Ann :-)

  9. Wow busy you, the swap quilt looks great, I love seeing my blocks. Karen xx

  10. Thankyou hun, the postman just knocked on my front door with your package. My boys are attempting to run off with the chocolate!!! Karen

  11. What a great weekend. It sounds fun as well as productive. The swap quilt looks great. I've got mine up on the design wall now, also on point, waiting for the last two sets to arrive. -Joanne

  12. Your swap quilt is going to be beautiful! Your other projects look great too! ---"Love"
