
Saturday, May 1, 2010

more goodies in the mail

I knew something was coming, but had no idea what. Yesterday in my mailbox there was a box from Liri. You know it took me all of 3 seconds to tear into it, right?
The box seemed bottomless - how did she get all this fantastic stuff into one little box? Must be magic!

But I'm curiuos about those obviously chocolate round things... I haven't torn into them yet (I'm not the chocaholic most women are, so I'm saving these for a craving!), so there's some speculation about what they are... They do look good, though!

Thank you so much Liri! Completely unexpected, but very much appreciated.

And that embroidery...I must address it separately because I truly could use it backwards and other than people asking me what "nagihcim" meant (much like Joann wondering about "awoi"), it's THAT beautiful! One day I might be that good...yeah, right, in my dreams!

Then it was my turn at the post office. Yep, I'm an overachiever that way - swap blocks went out already today!  Long story short - one batch had to swim to England.

But I realized I only had one box for mailing, so I was "that lady" at the post office this morning...

Now the hubby is sleeping - it's his weekend to work, so I'm trying to be quiet, but dying to get to my sewing machine. So I decided to play around with my QuiltPro program (not sure that even exists any more, all I hear about is EQ, but this program still works for me) and try layouts for the swap blocks.

I tried to post my layout here, but it seems I'm unable to figure this out...I've tried everything I know to do, so I guess you'll just have to wait and see!

But this post needs some photos, so let's go see what's blooming...

bleeding heart

old fashioned bleeding heart - notice the different shapes of the leaves?

I know I have a white one out there, too, but apparently it's not blooming...


okay, everybody together: grape hyacinths!

lungwort (or pulmonaria) - yes, it blooms bi-colored and I love the spotty leaves

it wouldn't be fair to skip my blooming lawn...without the dandelions' and violets' green foliage, my lawn would be much more dirt-colored!

and finally, my magnolia. 

This last is in the "cat run" - an outside enclosure we built off the kitchen for the kitties to be able to play outdoors without the danger of our busy road.  Every year we add a few things for them to climb on using scraps of wood leftover from various family projects...the magnolia was already there. 

And I'm sorry for some of the photos being blurry.  I have little photographic skill and it was windy besides and I'm impatient and, well, I could make up more excuses, but mostly I'm impatient...

Now do you suppose I should quilt something?

PS It's May, so I've got another dolly waiting for a quilt.  This one will be MY scraps and I've already got a plan...

PPS The exam was really a review and easy peasy.  I shouldn't have worried, but you never know and I was a Girl Scout for enough years to know "Be Prepared"!


  1. Katie, glad you like the goodies in the box. The chocolate thingys are Tastykake Tandytakes. One package is peanut butter and the other is marshmallow. Hope you like them. Love your garden. I have a lot of the same things in mine. Right now, my bleeding hearts are at least 3 feet tall and in full bloom. Do you really think the embroidery is that good? That is your state flower, by the way. Enjoy!


  2. Glad to hear the exam went well, we all knew it would!

    Your box of goodies is fantastic, lots of fun stuff for you! Your flowers are so pretty. My two pots of daffodils bloomed a few weeks ago and as yet, my little flower bed is still dirt. We had a little snow yesterday and it is chilly. Monday is suppose to be back to normal temps so that makes me happy!

  3. I love your vegetation - it must look wonderful all together. I have a blooming lawn too , though the hubby just spent some time pulling the yellow blooms today. We're leaving the violets and the clover, otherwise, we'd have more brown than green. I'm looking forward to seeing your swap block layout. I think I'll be waffling about mine for a while. -Joanne

  4. How do you resist the chocolate? I've almost inhaled it from here!
    I've never seen lungwort before; I'm going to look for some around here; I love it! I looked at a bleeding heart last week, but didn't get it; may have to do that next week! Yours is lovely! ---"Love"

  5. Nice box of goodies. Fun to get stuff in the mail.
    Your flowers are all just beautiful. It has still been getting cold here so I am waiting before getting anything to plant. (that's my story an I am stickig to it! LOL).
    Can't wait to see your newdolly quilt and what you do with your swap blocks.

  6. What a nice surprise. I flowers are so pretty
    and what a great idea for the kitties. Connie204

  7. What fantastic goodies! The emboridery is wonderful. I really enjoyed the pictures of your garden. Cheers, Ann :-)

  8. Wow look at that goody bag! Your flowers are beautiful :) Christine
