
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a week of surprises

Well, the hubby just got up and I thought I'd have more time, so I guess I gotta do this quick...

Yesterday I went out to the mailbox and found these, finally arrived from England!

Yay!  I have all 26 now.

Karen said she thought they were swimming, but I told her they were good and dry when they got here.  Maybe they took a detour to visit Florida for spring break and got lost?  Lots of sun there - good for drying out waterlogged packages...

Thank you so much!  They are more beautiful in person.

Now, what to do to get them all together?  Fun for the weekend!

Then, today, when I was expecting bills, this was in my mailbox (along with assorted junk mail and NO bills!):

Marsha said she planned to send this super cute little ornament with the blocks, but didn't have it done on time.  I love it!  Thank you!

Wondering what else good will happen this week.  But if this is all, I'll take it without complaints!

And a little peek at what I've been working on between studying for a parasitology review/exam and household chores:

So it's sideways.  And if I flip it, it looks wonky because it was taken sideways.  That gingham is from Mary, but the rest is from my stash.  I cheated and bought some yellow buttons for flower centers - I'm trying to make these from just my stash, but I thought buttons would be so cute.

I'm planning on a few random leaves, too, but those circles are giving me headaches.  Gingham stretches and ravels something fierce and I didn't leave enough of a seam allowance to gather them and learn!

I hope you're all accomplishing more than I am.  This Friday is my review/test (not sure exactly what to call it) and then my evenings will be my own again...once I cook dinner...

Happy quilting!


  1. Katie, hold off on the buttons. You have another box arriving in the mail from me. Everything in there should have gone off with your blocks, but I just couldn't pull it together, what with the layoff and all. Good luck on the exams.


  2. Karen's blocks are beautiful--they were just on a really slow-w-w boat! Don't you just love the variety of fabrics in everyone's blocks? Have fun arranging and making decisions on how to finish.

    Marsha's ornaments are adorable. She has really been cranking out projects!

    Cute idea for the flowers! You're going to be down to scraps from that box. Is this for another dolly quilt or an idea for yourself?

    Hopefully, good things happen ALL week--and that includes the exam! Mary

  3. Have a really great rest of your week. Remember that it's not good to get too stressed before an exam, and quilting is a good de-stresser :) Just a well-meant thought, not a little devil sitting on your shoulder...:)

    Those flowesr are going to look very sweet, despite the trouble the gingham is giving you.


  4. Good luck on your exam, with that out of the way you will have time for yourself. The sneak peek of the flowers looks fantastic, I can just imagine what it will look like when you are done. It is cute already!

  5. Great blocks. They really must have had an adventure on the way to you.
    Hope you have a great rest of the week.
    Good luck on your exam... I am sure you don't need it. :)

  6. I think Karen's blocks were well worth the wait and Marsha's ornaments are fabulous! I must remember that information about the gingham. I wonder what Liri has sent you? Ann :-)

  7. yeah sorry bout that... I would blame that volcano but they were sent before then! Im glad you like them, always worried that they'd turn up and the reciepiant would be disappointed, 1) with the piecing 2) choice of fabric, lol!!! Karen xx

  8. Glad you got all your blocks;) And all the goodies are great!!
    Looking forward to seeing the end result on the little flower thing you are making. I haven't tried to work with gingam yet.
    Happy Quilting!!

  9. It seems that you do 48 hours work in one day. Wow, you make me tired. Good Luck on your test. The blocks are great, even though it took soooo long. Connie 204

  10. I'm sure you will ace your test! First take yourself a brief break, and then get to quilting. You have a lot of blocks to put together! *wink* I love that little American flag! ---"Love"

  11. Thanks for the nice comments about the baby quilt. It was mentioned in the shower invitation that a baby book would be fun. So I found a fabric baby book panel. I hope to get to that this week. Connie204
