
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

clarification for swap buddies

Seems these aren't as well-known as I'd thought...

Remember this photo I teased you with before the swap began?

Well, I'm sure you've all figured out the pincushions are part of the deal, but I think what was missed here was what is attached to my scissors...

I've been schooled to call them "scissor fobs" and they're to help keep yours straight when at a quilting (or crafty) get-together. 

My mom makes these, and with her help, I've made a batch and, well, spilling the beans for the reamining swappers, they're in the package with the blocks.

So it's not a string of beads to enjoy (but you CAN enjoy them and I hope you do!), it's not a bracelet and it's not an ornament (well, maybe it is, but for your scissors!)...

But if you want to wear it as a bracelet, or if you want to repurpose those beads or hang it somewhere other than your scissors, please do so.  Once it arrives, it's yours to use as you see fit and I won't be upset at all if it's getting used in one way or another.

And I can rest easy now because I'm sure you all know what to do with the chocolate!

Happy quilting,


  1. Regi found the beads with teh frog on them and claimed it as hers. Since the poor girl saw so many packages and things come for me lately with nothing for herself I didn't have the heart to tell her its it's now on her "keys" (a blank set that she likes to carry around in her purse) but if I ever go anywhere with other quilters I might have to "borrow" it again =)

  2. Yes, I knew just what to do with the chocolate :) The fob is a great idea. Mine is on my scissors, now I just need to find a quilty function to take them to so I can show off my stylish fob (love the blue beads, excellent choice!) -Joanne

  3. Thanks, we will all know for sure how to use the fob now. They look great in the pictures and the pin cushion is so cute, too. I can't wait until it's my turn, this is so much fun!

  4. For the first time in my working life, I have a key to the ladies room. Guess where my beads are? LOL


  5. How fun!! What a great added bonus! :) Christine

  6. The fob is a really cute idea! ---"Love"

  7. I'll be putting mine on the scissors for sure! How wonderful to send us each such a lovely gift. Now, about that chocolate......Cheers, Ann :-)
