
Monday, March 1, 2010

Meet the new car!

I took the afternoon off to go car shopping with the hubby.  We'd seen a few locally that we liked, so we went back when the dealer was open to ask.  A few hours later, we had traded in the old beast (a 1997 Grand Am with something like 268,000 miles on it - yes, that many zeros) and were driving this home:

The sun isn't shining on it, but it's a really neat paint color.  In sunlight, just the right angle it looks turqouise, another angle it looks royal blue, in the shade more of a dark slate blue/turqouise.  He likes it, so that's the important part.

It's a 2005 Grand Prix, for those of you not well versed in cars!

For now, I'll keep driving the Neon, but I think it's going to be replaced relatively soon.

And now I have to go make some more blocks.  After looking at the picture again, I realized I'd put mine together wrong.  I sewed the two same-color trianges to each other to make a square, not a bigger triangle (make sense?)...  That's what you get for sketching it in pencil...  The question is: should I send out the wrongly-made ones?  Hmmm...

Happy Quilting!


  1. Nice new car. Hope it serves you well for years.( Well the hubby since it is his car).
    I have to get going on my blocks too.

  2. Nice car! Hope you get many, many, many good miles out of it, too. When everyone is happy, you've made a great deal!


  3. Congratulations on your new acquisition and let there be many happy hours of motoring. I'm pretty sure that you sew two triangles to make a square, then four squares to make a block. Not sure you have done anything *wrong*. Send me a picture if you like. Ann :-)

  4. Congrats on your new car!!! I need to get to work on those blocks- I'm sure your blocks are fabulous. I like your blog makeover for March :) Christine

  5. No wonder you are so proud of your new car; it's a beauty! Be careful out there! *grin* ---"Love"

  6. Enjoy the new car :) I hope you get as many miles and years out of this one as the previous one. I'm sure your blocks are lovely. I don't think it really matters where the colours in the small pinwheels are relative to the ones in the larger pinwheel... -Joanne
