
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sneak peek!

I worked on blocks for the swap last night...AND baked cookies!  (Car shopping didn't last long as most places close early on Saturday - I didn't know.)

So are any of you wondering what might come in a package from me?

Here's a clue:

Tee hee hee...those are the "dog ears" I just finished trimming from the blocks!  Go ahead, click on it and make them huge, you're not going to learn much!  And this is only the first 3, so there's more to go!

(Sorry about the shadow - taking pics at night...)

For those of you who asked about car shopping and my car...  I am going today to pick up my beloved Neon.  My dad seems to have fixed it's oil leak, but we'll see.  So we are planning to replace the hubby's car first.  He is a big guy and wants a bigger car than I am comfortable with, but we want something that can be used for road trips, which means larger.  And right now, his car has more things wrong with it (it's two years older than the Neon!) than mine.  Once we get settled with a "new" car for him, we'll start looking for me.  I'll introduce you to any new four-wheeled family members!

Off to get some groceries...



  1. Dare I guess that there is a snippet of purple in those "dog ears"? Great news that you are getting your car back and hope the repairs last. You've made me hungry and you didn't tell us what kind of cookies?! Mary

  2. Well, I can't tell much from the little dog ears you have trimmed, but I love your pin cushion. The flower is so pretty! I'm glad your car is fixed up again, when you really love it, that's all that counts. My husband is over a foot taller than me and not quite double my weight, so we have the size difference going, too. I had a little Blazer that I loved, it was perfect for me but way too small for my DH to be comfortable in. A couple of years after we got married, we traded it for a bigger car that we are both comfortable in. Enjoy your weekend!


  3. Cookies and sewing both! Sounds like a good evening. I see lots of colors in your snippets...that should translate into really fun blocks. I can't wait! -Joanne

  4. I love your pincushion by the way! Do you have a pattern? I need a new pincushion, as apparently mine looks like a ball - the dog tried to play with it this week...though I got it away from him before there was damage to the dog or the pincushion.

  5. Oh fun!! Cookies + Quilting are a good combination! Are you going to make all your blocks for the swap at once? :) Christine

  6. Well, I made those no-cook chocolate oatmeal cookies this afternoon, but I haven't sewn a stitch on anything in five days! But...tomorrow's a new day! *grin* ---"Love"

  7. Ooohh! I like sneak peaks. Not much to go on there but I'm guessing there are some fabulous blocks being made. The cookies sound pretty good too. Ann :-)
