
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

block swap blocks?

Just a quickie before I have to go make dinner...

I mentioned I'd put together the first 3 sets of blocks wrong.

Here's one.  They're all equally wrong.  What do you think?

I've got my "big girl panties" on again today, so if any of you swappers would be unhappy to recieve these, please tell me.  I'll find use for them if I don't send them.

I've got 8 more block sets cut out and I assure you, those WILL be put together right!

One more question:  Are you all trimming the borders?  The pictures you're posting seem like your borders are wider than mine (they got cut off here)...I just want to make sure I'm doing it the same as everyone else!

Some of you asked about the cookies I made this past weekend.  They were Mississippi Tea Cakes and they get better the next day!

Off to make some yummy dinner!  Then more swap blocks!



  1. I like your block. The colours just pop. I don't think it matters how the small pinwheel is oriented relative to the outside one. Just send them to me :)

    I trimmed the borders to get the block down to 10.5 inches. I also had to trim the center to get it down to 8.5 like the directoions said before adding the borders. My blocks were all closer to 8.75. It forced me to square things up as I went though, which I'm usually too impatient to do. It really helps things match up right though!. Hmmm. I wonder if I'll start slowing down and squaring up more often now? It's a toss up :) -Joanne

  2. It took me awhile to figure it's a scrappy quilt, Katie. In fact, the primary colors are right up my alley, so I agree with Joanne. Set them aside and save for my turn please. I am admitting right up front, like my daughter, that I have worked on a "second set" because I messed up the first. I didn't make squares, I made triangles! Try and sew wonky triangles together...geez. (You're allowed to laugh!) The border I'm leaving at 2 inches so that the recipient can trim it down. Congrats on the car! Mary

  3. Someone would have to study hard for a minute to see your mix-up; I wouldn't worry about that.
    I would say to everyone, and all of you already know this, that you really should square up at every step, beginning with that small pinwheel, as well as the 8 1/2" pinwheel. Otherwise, if the two sizes of pinwheels are not consistent in everyone's blocks, the "lines" will be out of line as you look across the quilt when it is all together.
    See, as a "non-swapper", I can say that and not have to worry whether mine would be consistent or not! *grin*
    I love your colors! It seems everyone's fabrics are going to blend together very well.

  4. Your blocks are great, love the colors. Don't worry about sending them out. I'd love to have them, too.

  5. Oh and those cookies look delicious! Thanks for the recipe.

  6. OK I don't get it!! What did you do wrong? Your block looks great!

    I just cut out my blocks tonight so I'll let you know when I sew them together on Thursday (tomorrow's a 12 hr day at work so no sewing). :) Christine

  7. Your blocks look great, you can send them here too. It is a little confusing getting them in the right place. I made my blocks but have to sash them.

  8. OK, I'm with Christine. I don't see anything wrong with that block either. But even is there is something wrong, I think it will add character to the quilt. Love the colors!

  9. I haven't trimmed my yet to 10.5, I will do before sending them out. I like the block :)

  10. OK, I looked at mine again and I did the same thing with my first blocks! Oh well, my pinwheels are just spinning at different speeds! Gotta get a picture of them for the blog!

  11. I certainly don't have a problem with them Katie - after all it's a scrappy quilt so they will fit in just fine. These quilts are going to be amazing! Cheers Ann :-)
