
Sunday, March 14, 2010


Many of us have been posting pictures of our scrap collections, so I have a challenge.  For me specifically and any of you interested.

By June 14 (that will be a Monday) have at least a quilt top finished using your scraps.

Some guidelines I'm setting for myself:

1. It must be at least baby/lap size.  In other words, useable for more than wall art.

2.  The majority of the fabrics must be from scraps.  Purchasing a solid for background or a key fabric that you MUST have is okay.  No starting from scratch.

3.  There must be fewer scraps when I finish than there were when I started!

Anyone game?

I have an idea in my head for mine, but we'll see how the execution goes.  I have 3 months to get it'll be seeing my progress!  Show me yours!

Yesterday, after basting 4 baby-size quilts with my sister-in-law (the 5th she decided needed borders), I got started on my charm pinwheels.

They will finish 8 inches.

The charm pack came with 40 fabrics and I figured out that would make a funny-shaped quilt, so I pulled out 4 fabrics (I liked these the least in the context of the remaining fabrics) and I'm going for 6x6.

This is what I didn't use.  See what I mean?

After making 24 blocks, I ran out of background fabric.  So you know what that means...twist my arm and drag me back to JoAnn's for some more off white!  (I did buy some on Friday, but of course it didn't match AT ALL.  That WILL get used!)

So now it's off to buy groceries and I have a half-eaten roasted chicken that I'm going to bone out and use to make Christine's chicken noodle soup.  Thinking about buying "homemade" noodles becuase I didn't plan ahead far enough to make my own...

Happy quilting!


  1. Your charm pinwheels are great! Some very interesting fabrics there. The challenge is tempting but I already have about five projects in the works and I don't know if I can work another one in. I'll give it some thought. I love to play with fabric! Chicken noodle soup sounds good. We are in for more snow in NM, weather is dark and cloudy this morning, good soup weather.

  2. Oh I love those whirlygigs! I love the idea of making a scrap quilt and I might join you in this. There's a whirlygig pattern called "a little tangy" (love that name) in the book "Scrap-Basket Surprises" that would be great for this. I don't know if I'll make June since I have two quilts coming back from the quilter Tuesday, but I'll give it a go.

    I'm so excited you're trying my recipe!! Enjoy! I can't wait to hear what you think of it. :) Christine

  3. What a challenge! I think I'm going to have to watch this one from the sidelines though. I have enough on my plate for the time being. I'll look forward to seeing your progress.
    Your pinwheels are just plain fun! Another pattern idea to add to my "make it someday" list. :)

  4. Hi Katie, I love the pinwheels. I've decided it's one of my favorites. I wish you would have thought of that challenge a couple of years ago. When I started quilting I did rag quilts for everyone. I did make myself a quilt from all the flannel scraps. Right now I don't have alot of scraps because I haven't done a lot of quilting lately. I do have a bunch of fat quarters, but nothing matches anything. Right now I'm waiting to find out what my next grandchild will be. The baby is due sometime in July. Since cash is limited right now I'm waiting to buy fabric for the quilt and diaper bag, as soon as I find out. Take care and I need to look for Christine's recipe. Connie204

  5. YOur challenge sounds like fun... can I count the 3 scrap quilts I have on the go now?

    I can tell you from experience, the scraps don't seem to go away... they just keep getting smaller, but at some point, I have to say, enough is enough, and its too small for me! Hmmm... now is this piece good for a landscape/collage quilt... okay, that itty bit goes here... *looks around*... ooops... sorry, I thought this was in my head... *embarassed smile*, um, so, yes, the scrap quilts, they are on hold, until I get a few other projects done... hmmm... I do NOT have any UFOs... they are all POH (Projects On Hold)... doesn't that sound better. Well, I should sign off, and save some space for other to comment. Ohhh, your pinwheels look like they will be a fun quilt!


  6. Sorry, I'm going to have to pass this one also. I'm already behind one my Christmas challenge with Ann, and I have four big quilts to finish, the two patriotic ones by July 4. With yard work coming on strong, I'll probably be slowing down a bit, but I will be watching your progress with interest! Maybe you will inspire me to at least get my scraps organized so I could figure out what to do with them! *wink* Your blocks are really cute! ---"Love"

  7. I really like your charm pinwheels. I have a lot of charm packs so I will have to remember those pinwheels.
    I am always game for a challenge, so I will look at my scraps and try to do a scrappy quilt along with you.

  8. Love your charm pinwheels--they are so bright and cheerful! I don't know about a challenge, Katie. Let's see...a pinwheel quilt, swap blocks and doll quilts. Will you have time? Hmmm... I already have a scrap quilt started (remember the stars on my design wall?) and with encouragement from Theri, Love and Ann, I don't think I can drop that one. You want to give me a head start with 3 blocks done? I mean, after all, you are on vacation this week. Oh, that's right, I'm retired! My luck, you'll probably beat me! And I see Christine (the "energizer bunny") says she's in too. Mary

  9. I have no idea if I have enough scraps to actually make a whole quilt, but I'm in. I'm sure there are more scraps sitting in my sewing room than I care to admit to. If nothing else, I will make half a quilt top to go into my UFO black hole. I've been thinking about scrap patterns for a week now and think I've settled on one just needed the motivation to get commit. Thanks!


  10. Well, I have been practicing all day with my new quilt software on the embroidery machine so I guess I am in! Wasn't really looking to start a new project(yeah, right!) but looks like I've got another one, anyway. That makes 3 projects completed so far this year, and 12 still posted on the wall.(Twelve is not the TOTAL number of projects, just the ones I am focusing on this year.) And no, the scrap pile is not looking any smaller yet. :) Theri

  11. I just finished such a quilt this year - I posted a picture on APQ but have yet to put one on blogger. That's one of the reasons my scrap stash is so low. Great challenge though. Your whirlygigs look terrific! Cheers, Ann :-)

  12. A challenge is a challenge;) What will be hard is staying on task and not getting inspired to make several all at once...LOL;)
    I've been busy this week, and didn't realize how much you have posted!! I read most of them. You've been a busy bee!! It's great to have a vacation and get out, but sometime's the best vacation is doing what you love, even if that means locking yourself in your sewing room;)
    Happy Quilting!!
