
Monday, March 15, 2010

what a day...wait, it was just a day, right?

There's so much to tell.  Grab a snack and settle in.  I'll try to use pictures more than words...

First, I made Christine's soup.  It was delish!  I used these noodles and though they weren't as good as grandma's, I didn't plan ahead enough to make my own.

Yesterday I worked on the red, white and black quilt I bought fabrics for this summer on a shop hop.  Remember the panel?  I sent my brother and sis-in-law on a hunt for coordinating fabric for the back.  When I get the back pieced, I'll show that too.

Then, after the hubby decided he didn't want to go visit his parents after all, I got busy on my SCRAP QUILT!

First I pulled fabrics:

Then I used a trick I learned from you fantastic quilters and photographed it in black and white.  Wanted to make sure I didn't have any sore thumbs...

Okay, that looks good.  Then I cut some strips and threw them in a bin.  Easier to keep them under control this way.  Suprized Skitter didn't hop in - she does that a lot.

Can't believe I had an empty bin...  I got the blocks about half done last night, then continued this afternoon.  I started just 9 because I wanted to make sure the left brain didn't have a fit.

Emma was a supervisor throughout varying parts of the process.  Here she is waiting for me to eat dinner because she already ate hers, but hadn't begged my empty plate to lick clean yet.

Right brain was doubting itself, but left brain kept pretty quiet.  I like the result.  So does left brain.  But I assure you any funky strips are the result of my inability to cut straight, not a planned thing. 

Though I planned to set them with dark blue, the off-white carpet (with stains - thank you previous owners) is making me think twice.

I have to do some calculating to see how many more blocks I'll want.  First I have to decide how wide to make the setting and borders.  The blocks will finish 12 inches.

My scraps aren't diminishing as fast as I  hoped, but as the blocks get bigger, they use more fabric, so there's still hope!

Before I could start on this, I had a few errands to do.  I picked up some more off-white for pinwheels, but no pic.  Imagine it for yourself!  :)  That is washed and ironed, waiting for me.

When we got home, I had two packages waiting for me.  Yay!

First, from Kathleen were these fantastic blocks:

And included in the package were these beauties:

Absolutely goergous strips, every one.  And that second green from the left?  I've bought it TWICE for quilts I've made.  Great minds think alike!  My only regret is that none of these will work in my current scrap quilt.  But I will find a fantastic use for all of them.

Thank you Kathleen!  (big hug!)

And then there was this ginormous package from Mary.  Seems overdoing it runs in the family...  First the beautiful blocks:

And if this wasnt' enough, this crazy, amazing woman also sent ALL of this:

Maybe she's misunderstood that I'm challenging you all to make a scrap quilt from your stash and thinks I'm challenging myself to make a quilt from her stash?  :)  No...she explained that these were donations for my doll and quilt project.  I adore every single one of them (and have bought that light blue for a baby quilt and the same print in about 4 other colors for various other projects) and will make the best use of them possible.  They're some big chunks, which will come in handy for backs, too.

Thank you, Mary.  (big big hug!)

So I issued a challenge yesterday for scrap quilts and I got some takers.  Alice and Mary asked if they could count ones they already have started.  Sure...seems I've got a leg up on mine today, and if this keeps you motivated, I see no problem.  Beth, Christine, Cheryl and Theri also are in, so let the games begin!  (Maybe I should make a to do that?...if I get bored enough this week, I'll give it a go...  Maybe I should send out some of my scraps to the "winner"?)  Forgive me if I've missed anyone...

Now, if I've worn you all out, you understand why I can't remember if today was just one day or two.  I love that I've gotten so much done.  I feel so good about myself (and my stash). 

The hubby is taking a nap.  He works wierd hours.  So I have to be quiet.  I'm going to watch The Nanny Diaries (thank you Netflix) and snuggle my much-deprived kitties.

One final picture to leave you with...another finish.  This one has been done for a few weeks, but I finally talked the hubby into holding it up.  Too bad you can't see his face because it's a mix of disgust and disbelief that he's doing this.  The colors aren't great - I'm going to have to re-take this for the scrapbook, but you get the idea.

This is a kit (sort of) I bought on the same shop hop as the red, white and black quilt.  You bought a bunch of 12 coorindated fat quarters and an $8 pattern (designed by someone at the shop - there were a few options and I can't find mine so I can't give proper credit here - sorry!) and had all you needed for the top.  I bought borders too.  I don't love it, but I like it more now that it's quilted than I did when I was basting it.


Happy quilting,

PS  Should I have had an intermission for snack refills?  :)


  1. I'd love to join in the challenge, but I have too many projects on my plate. Once I clear it off I have an awesome scrap pattern I want to do. In the meantime I will be a cheerleader for y'all!!

  2. You had a very busy day! The red, white and black quilt is so cute. Love the panel with all the little critters. I like the blues and greens together in the strip quilt, it will be really great, too! Surprises are fun and the swap blocks are great! I have to find a pen to write on mine and they will be on the way soon. I think tomorrow has a trip to the fabric shop in it. The blue fabric with little stars that Mary sent is one I used on my grandson's quilt. It is really pretty fabric and will be great for a doll quilt. I also like the pink stars quilt. It has some great fabrics in it, too. If I didn't have the Pick & Choose quilt all finished, I would count it in your scrapy challenge, but since I finished it before you posted the challenge I don't think it should count. It was an attempt to use up a lot of my scraps and it did put a good dent in the stash. Good job on a busy day! Glad you can relax with the movie for a while.

  3. We all LUV to look at pictures! At least you have a plan and are working it, to some degree anyway. Your star quilt is very, very nice! Your blue scrap blocks are to bright and cheerful. Very pretty! ---"Love"

  4. WOW. You really packed a lot into your day. I made it to the pos office and mailed my blocks out, so you should get them soon.
    I did no sewing today, now I might have to stay up all night so that I do't fall ay behind on your challenge. LOL
    Your back, white, and red quilt is very cute. I love your combination of colors on your scrappy quilt.
    Your star quilt looks great. Do you not like the colors? Or the pattern?I have a collection of browns and pinks that I have been gathering for a while..haven't selected a patten for those fabrics yet.
    You have inspired me, I think I'll go rummage in my scraps and see what I can come up with.

  5. Wow... what a productive day! Did you happen to see my "Wonky Log Cabin - mile a minute - crumby quilt"? That is the first scrap quilt top I've made (I won't include it in the challenge *wink*). I mention this particular quilt, as it does not use 1/4" seam (if you don't want to), it uses up scrap thread and scrap fabrics. Do you ever have left over pieces that are stitched together? They can be added on, just like a log cabin. Strips are varying widths. You just grab and sew!

    What great fun those fabric treasures you have received will be. And the Swap blocks are looking great too!

    Phew, I'm tired just looking at all you have accomplished today! I look forward to seeing your projects and updates!


  6. Fantastic quilts and your scrappy blocks are amazing. How wonderful you received those lovely extras as well as your swap blocks. You've had a fabulous day by all accounts. Cheers, Ann :-)

  7. OK, first things first- yes a snack intermission is in order. You've been busy!!

    I adore that blue green scrappy quilt! (Oh and the supervisor is pretty darn cute too). You did a great job. I better get moving. I love collecting these buttons. No clue how to make them though.

    I laughed at your comments about the hubs. Mine would be doing the same thing (and sighing loudly too). It came out great!

    I'm so glad you enjoyed to soup. We have one more container of it left in the freezer from when I made it last. Hmmm...what's for dinner tonight.

    My blocks should be there soon- they went out on Sat. :) Christine

  8. You have been one busy little bee! Love the quilts, everyone of 'em. I would love to join the scrap quilt thingy, 'cause I started a scrap quilt last year that I could work on, but my sewing room is still in shambles and I can't use my design wall (sigh). In any case, my swap blocks are coming along nicely, have almost 16 finished, but have to get a pen. What kind of pen were we using? I have Sharpie permanent markers, will they work?



  9. Whew! You had a busy day, nicely broken up with the arrival of the blocks and surprises. All your work looks lovely. And a serious pat on the back (or the brain :)) to your right brain from my two kids walking by as I looked at your stash buster scrap blocks: "Awesome!" from the 9 year old and "Cool!" from the 11 year old. Hope you enjoyed your movie and intermission snacks! -Joanne

  10. Wow, you really did alot. I'm tired just reading about it. I love, love the red, white and black quilt. It's terrific. The black and white picutre of the scraps really works and I really like the blue quilt. Your supervisor is just what everyone needs. You do such a great job. The snacks are definately in order. Connie 204

  11. Gee you have been busy. I love the blue/green combination in the scrap quilt. And the cool block too.

  12. And big hugs back to you, Katie! I went online and checked to see if your doll/quilt program was around here. No such luck--just Michigan! So I figured the closest I could come to participating was to send fabric. Hope you will be able find dolls that match. If all of your pictures give an indication of what you will accomplish on vacation, the rest of us are already in trouble! Love the blues and greens... Did you get the new flyer today? Tee hee... Mary

  13. So when do you get the "S" tattooed on your chest? :) Theri
