
Saturday, March 13, 2010

bad pen

I bought this to label blocks because I thought the pigma pen I had was getting dried up.  For $1.50.  It leaked.  My hand was black.  Luckily it didn't ruin any blocks.

You get what you pay for.  I had to fish it out of the trash to take this picture.  It's back in there now.

In about an hour Lisa's package will be in the mail!!!  (Post Office doesn't open until then.)  I was so excited to have everything ready (and so frustrated after scrubbing ink off my fingers) that I forgot to take a picture.

Then my brother and his quilter-wife will be coming over.  She has 5 quilts to baste!  They're all about lap/baby size, but holy cow!  I think the three of us will baste.  My hubby is working this weekend and playing basketball with the guys.  It's just as well, he claims "biddy stuff" will contaminate and kill him.

When we get the quilts basted, I will start work on this:

My mom and I each got these charm packs on a shop hop earlier this year and both thought they were cute, but had no idea what to do with them.  I've seen a lot of quilts with pinwheel-type blocks and varying names (you can see my sketch in there), but found a good tutorial at Quilting on Turtle Hill's blog, so that is what I will be using.

I also stopped at JoAnn's earlier this week to pick up some solids for my proposed modern scrap quilt.  (Left brain has become more comfortable with it as right brain figures out what it's doing.)  The fabric on top is definitely not a solid, but I couldn't pass it up.  I'll find a use for it someday.

I picked up another doll for my Santa Claus girls project this week, too.  This one is dressed in blue and those are hard to find.  Mostly they're pink and purple.  Pics to come.

I have next week off (almost forgot to tell!), so it's going to be a whirlwind of quilting around here.  I've told the hubby he's in charge of getting/making dinner and lunch will be pizza rolls and Coke (or something equally quick to make)!

Happy quilting


  1. Oh my! I'm glad your bad pen experience didn't ruin your pretty swap blocks! Sounds like you will be busy, busy with your sister-in-law, but what fun to have someone to sharing quilting with! Have fun! ---"Love"

  2. So glad the nasty pen didn't ruin any blocks. Enjoy your quilty SIL's visit. I need to find myself one of those - but there are no spare unmarried brothers left to find me one so I guess I'm out of luck :) The whirlygig quilt looks really fun. I'm sure it will be great in your fabrics. I'm looking forward to seeing your right brain's creation. -Joanne

  3. Yuck! I hate when pens leak it is so hard to get ink off your skin. Glad no fabric was harmed in the leaking of the pen.
    I signed my blocks and took the photo, but I do not have the addresses so I can't mail them yet. I think my email address was late butr I did put it on my blog.
    Love that charm pack and I look forward to seeing what you do with it. Soundslike you will have a quilt-a-thon this week. Enjoy you time off.

  4. I love the whirlygig block and that tutorial is great- thanks for sharing! Do you know what the finished whirlygig block size is? I didn't see it on the site. I might just make that. The Wee Play line is so cute! Oh and I love that animal print.

    I'm glad you didn't have to lose any of your blocks because of the pen. I can't wait to get my blocks :) Christine

  5. Thanks for the heads up on the's always nice to hear product reviews from actual quilters/crafters. I've been disappointed with a few products lately that were touted as good.
    Thanks for the link to the charm pack pattern. I have a couple of those little packs myself.
    Enjoy your quilting us what you got done;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  6. That's a shame about the pen but a good recovery. Your charm packs are just darling and will make a wonderful quilt - that whirlygig block (it was a contender for the swap. You'll be sewing up a storm! Cheers, Ann :-)
