
Thursday, March 18, 2010

another productive day - tonight and tomorrow not looking so good

Today my little Tucker went to the vet to have his teeth cleaned.  He came home with a few less teeth, some pain meds and antibiotics.  So tonight I will probably snuggle him lots instead of sewing.

And tomorrow the hubby gets done working at noon, so I think he's going to want to do something with me.  He's having trouble understanding that me sitting at a sewing machine for HOURS on end this week was actually a GOOD vacation...

So, what I accomplished:

Last night I made 3 red and grey wonky stars.  Not sure if I like these...they're on my design "wall" (floor) for me to contemplate:

Then I got a top together using some of the fabric Mary sent for the Santa Claus Girls dolls and quilts:

I'm gonna call it Double Irish Frogs.  It's about 27" square - a little big compared to others, but that's okay.  I have enough to make another, so maybe we'll have Twin Double Irish Frogs here in a few days!

Then I sewed Raggedy Ann and Andy strips cut from more fabric Mary sent:

About the time I got here, the hubby was ready for bed, so I cut out and arranged applique pieces for the Birdies on a Wire kit I ordered from Connecting Threads a few months back:

Obviously they need beaks and feet and the wings aren't properly placed, but I had to start somewhere...

I also got another package in the mail.  This time from Lisa - goergous florals!  Very springy.

Two more beauties for my pile.  I'm getting excited to get them all so I can figure out a layout and put them all together.  Though I do have to go back to work next week, so things will slow down...

Time to go snuggle my Tucker.  Poor little guy tried to cry all the way home, but was hoarse from the tube they put down his throat.  (They use anesthesia to clean teeth - otherwise, it might not be pretty!)

Happy quilting,


  1. I love the grey red combo! Again, very very productive!! Double Irish Frogs is so cute! Hugs to Tucker :) Christine

  2. Poor Tucker, hope he feels better in a couple of days! Lots of snuggles are in order.

    Double Irish Frogs is really cute. You work so fast! The Raggedys are going to be cute, too. Lisa's blocks are really pretty, it will be fun to see how you arrange everything. My blocks went out in the mail today so they should arrive on Monday or Tuesday.

    Enjoy the rest of your vacation sewing days!

  3. Your Double Irish Frogs is wonderful! I'm glad you had a good vacation. Have a nice afternoon with the hubby tomorrow. Your sewing machine will survive (not sure about you though) :)

    My blocks to you will be in the mail Monday. "Freezer paper" never magically appeared on the grocery list that hangs on the fridge instead of in my sewing corner, where I usually was every time I remembered I needed freezer paper. Anyway, I now have a fresh pigma pen and freezer paper and scrap fabric to practice on before I attempt to write on the blocks... And kids will be healthy again and back at school on Monday so I should make it to the post office.

  4. Every one of your doll quilts has been so cute, and this one is no exception. You've really made headway this week! Don't you wish you could do that every week? ---"Love"

  5. Where to begin... give Tucker a cuddle for me.
    Your wonky stars look good. I have the hardest time with wonky patterns, I think they are really cute, but I am a very symetrical person and I really have to struggle to do anything tilted, wonky, or off center. (right brain/left brain?)
    The double Irish frogs is too cute. The colors are great. can't wait til you get the Raggedy Ann and Andy quilt together, the pieces look so cute.
    Enjoy your day tomorrow. I amsure you can sew a little bit in there somewhere.

  6. Poor possum. He definitely needs some snuggles. You are amazing Katie - I haven't sewn a stitch in what seems like ages. I have some serious catching up to do. I made some extra wonky stars after the bush fire quilt project. Not sure what I want to do with them yet. Lisa's blocks look terrific! Cheers Ann :-)

  7. Love the double frogs--I'll have to try a mini quilt based on a portion of the design.

  8. glad you can tell whats on my mind! I am intrigued by the raggedy ann/andy quilt

  9. The Irish Froggies quilt is very cute!! Looking forward to seeing the birdie quilt;)
    Happy Quilting!!
