
Friday, March 19, 2010

last day of vacation - winding down

Mr. Tucker is feeling much better today.  He says thanks and sends a toe nibble (his thing) for all the well wishes.

The hubby is home for the weekend (actually has next week of for vacation...), and my vacation is almost officially over, so things will slow down again.  But here is what I finished this morning:

Double Irish Chain using Raggedy Ann and Andy fabrics Mary sent (plus a tan from my stash):

I have a red and white stripe left over from the red, white and black baby quilt that I'm going to use for binding.  How perfect!  (Hi Skitter!)

For the doll dressed in blue I bought for my March installment of dolls and quilts:

Bento Box in blue.  I've liked this pattern from the first time I saw it and this was a good opportunity to try it out.  I really really like it now and I think it may go onto the list for big quilt possibilities next time I need one.

I cut and pieced fabrics for the backs and binding for these two, plus the Double Irish Frogs, so they're all ready to be basted and quilted!

We may be having our 9-year-old nephew spend the night tonight, so I may have lots of time to work on these or none.  We'll see what he and the hubby expect.  Usually they "get into trouble" with me (tease mostly) and want me to be mostly invisible...though the nephew does seem curious about the quilts.  (Unfortunately, the entire May family discourages any attempts at creativity, especially by boys.)

No goodies in the mail today to share, but I know there are quite a few blocks on their way, so I'll show them off as they arrive.

Have a wonderful weekend and get to those machines ladies!  My scrap challenge still stands!



  1. Your little doll quilts are great. I love them both. The Raggedy one is so cute with the little faces in some of the blocks and the blue one is beautiful. That is a great block! You have accomplished so much with your time off, what will your husband get done with his time off?

  2. Love that Raggedy Ann quilt! Cute! Enjoy the last little bits of your vacation. You'll have to steal your nephew away while no one's around to get him quilting :) Christine

  3. They look lovely Katie! Your vacation has been so productive. Ann :-)

  4. I love the raggedy ann and andy quilt;) I'm not too fond of red quilts, but the tan you used made the red sing;)
    Happy Quilting!!

  5. You are amazing! You've really had a "quilting retreat" vacation, haven't you? Good on you! ---"Love"

  6. The Raggedy Ann and Andy doll quilt is graet. I think you've mastered the double Irish chain :). Isn't it funny how the boys are the ones curious about the quilting despite cultural biases against it? My son is way more interested in the process than my daughter is...which I won't mention to certain relatives :) -Joanne

  7. More great stuff. Raggedy Ann and Andy looks so cute. I like the block you made with the blue.
    Glad you got to sew, sew, sew on vacation.

  8. So glad I sent the fabrics to you, Katie! I can't even remember how long they sat here and you used them within a week. I'm proud and bet your Mom is too! Are you getting any rest now that you are back at work? Mary
